What can I give him to do so he feels he is helping out? My husband and I are planning to move to FL the first of Feb. He has a very bad right shoulder, rotator cuff non repairable except for total reversal which we have decided he cannot tolerate the surgery for many reasons. So basically he is a one armed man now so what can I have him do ? He cries because he says he is so sorry for being so useless. Makes me sad. Help?
Make him feel in charge, have him make lists and pretend that all the decisions are his good ideas.
Give your husband a small box to put his toiletries in.
I think there are a lot of things your husband can do to feel a part of this experience and to feel as if he's helping. I think it's very kind of you to think about his needs in the middle of a stressful situation. He's lucky to have you.