I can't be her DPOA/Trstee.
My Aunt is 95 and lives in her home. I have to give up the Financial POA and Trustee because there are 23 money hungry beneficiaries that will cause me problems, personal liability etc and they do not like me or talk to me.
I want to be her Healthcare POA and continue keeping her in her home but how can I pay the 2 people that help me and provide all her meals? Any special provisions?
Aunt is in great health (no meds, does laundry, takes bath, does NO cooking whatsoever) but cannot make logical or complex decisions. I pay her bills she thinks she pay them, because they appear on her bank statement. I let her think she is as independent as possible.
I want to continue to be her Healthcare POA and keep her in her home as she wants.
Everything is running very smoothly and she is very happy with her care. My concern is getting the caregiver, handyman and weekend/holiday meals paid since I will not be able to handle her finances unless there is some verbiage/special permission that would allow me to pay these bills.
If there is a greedy family here you need NOT to be paying any bills. They need to get one of them assigned as POA.
You said "I have to give up POA, because..........etc". DID you give it up? HOW did you give it up?
I am very confused about all this.
I only want look out for her and keep her at home which is what she wants. Others would be overbearing and make her move.
I have not taken any money or pay, I do this because I care.
Hope this makes things more clear.
Thank you for taking time to reply.
As I said, one person should be in charge of the bills,the payments and etc. That will be YOU if you are the DPOA. You will have to go to all the banks, and etc. I am doing POA for my brother and Trustee of his Trust. It is not easy and his estate is VERY easy. I will warn you of that. This many beneficiaries is a nightmare esp if they are the grasping greedy one. I hope she spends up every single penny of that on herself. But they are going to be watching you every single second. For myself I could not have that be my life. I wish you so much luck. I would be CERTAIN that you have a GOOD elder law attorney. I would refer the others to that person and pay that person out of her estate. Let them know that every time they raise any kind of heck it is money out of their future pockets.
This solves the issue for me.