I have lived with my grandparents since I was little and my great grandparents moved in a little over 2 years ago. My great grandmother has severe Alzheimer’s and it has greatly affected my life as a teenager. I am only 16 going on 17 and I live with constant commotion every single day. My great grandmother never sleeps, poops and pees in EVERYTHING in trash cans, sinks, bathtubs.etc. She calls people names especially racial slurs and she loves to hit people, strip naked, scream, and cry 24/7 about nothing. We try the best we can to figure out what’s wrong but she just cries for hours on end and it has made me so aggravated and I know she can’t help it but I can no longer hang out with my friends or bring people over for dinner at my house because she grabs their butts, bangs on my door in the middle of the night, threatens to kill everyone in the house and it’s frustrating not being able to do things a teenager should be able to do. My family has no time to be around me or spend time with me because they’re too busy caring for her, which is understandable however it still hurts. My family also refuses to have any outside care other than trying to get an in home nurse for about an hour. I’ve suggested maybe putting her somewhere but my family sees that as we are just abandoning her and they feel really guilty about it. I have no where else to go and I have no outside advice on this situation. Sorry for this being so long but I would appreciate any help. Much love.
This is not your problem to solve; it sounds as though your grandparents are in over their heads and don't understand that there is medical and psychiatric help out there for dementia patients. That's very sad.
Talk to the social worker or guidance counselor at your school about what is going on.
You asked for our help and we gave gave what I think is very good advice. Not to be harsh, but you seem to disagree with what we wrote and also what you, yourself wrote. In your original post, you wrote of issues with great-grandmother but then wrote that those things are being taken care of and aren’t really a problem. We cannot force you to take our advice. I hope it all works out for you.
The thing is, there are medications that can be used judiciously to help Gr. Grandma feel better about this situation. Can you ask your grandparents if they've ever talked to granny's doctors about medications for her behavior?