
My Mom lives in Texas. She’s 84 and has Alzheimer’s and high blood pressure and a few other health issues. Over the last year she has developed a terrible nervous habit of scratching herself. Her arms and thighs are literally covered in horrible open sores and bruises and scars. She often gets infections. We know for sure it’s not a rash or skin condition. She’s been on many meds and lotions including for OCD. None worked and all made her like a zombie. Mom’s Doctor is very open to giving her CBD oil. He feels it has great potential and has no side effects. I searched and studied and found one that is very reputable. My husband and I both have been taking it and have had amazing results with relief from aches and pains, anxiety and sleep issues. So, I feel very comfortable giving it to my Mother, however the Med nurses where she lives aren’t allowed to dispense it. The CBD oil has no THC in it and is legal in Texas but the corporate office refuses to consider it. We have to have their help. It needs to be taken a couple of times a day consistently to work. Alzheimer’s is just heart breaking anyway but it really pains me to see my Mom literally tearing herself apart. You can buy CBD oil in the mall and shops are popping up everywhere. Last year her Doctors prescribed B12 vitamins and she also has a standing order for Tylenol if needed. Both are purchased at local stores and are dispensed by the Med nurses. What legal rights do we have?

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My mom is in memory care and uses the CBD patch. I go every three days to put a new one on. This plan works well.
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Interested on what type of CBD patch Name Brand, manufacturing from what state, dose that is used. My dad 90 yrs old, Memory care Thank you all information is appreciated Kelly B from PA.
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You are going to have trouble getting her anything that isn't on the med chart, get the doctor to prescribe it.
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Since there are federal regulations that figure in the licensing of extended care facilities you are dealing with their refusal due to federal law in all likelihood. I doubt you will get far getting the oil approved..
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Every healthcare facility has their own policy for medication administration. In my experience as a nurse in various settings, if a new med was introduced for whatever reason, facility educators in tandem with physicians then reviewed the literature & researched the proper dose, route of administration, etc. The new policy then needs to be approved by the facility. I am guessing if your mother’s facility is one of a chain, their corporate office probably writes and updates new policy & procedures for consistency.

CBD oil is fairly new to the medical community as far as ordering for patients; the issue is that not all CBD oil is the same so it would be impossible to write a policy to cover all of these unknowns.

If the corporate office is not willing to sort all that out, they can refuse, & rightfully so as the use of CBD is fairly new & they may just want to wait to see how state & federal regs pan out and cite patient safety as a concern. A valid concern as well, because there is just not enough scientific data and studies available about the use of the drug and I would bet minimal studies on CBD oil & effects on the elderly.

Have you discussed using benadryl or vistaril for relief from itching? Oatmeal baths? Is her renal function normal or does she have CKD (kidney disease)? If CKD have the docs check her phosphorus level as if elevated can cause severe itching, as well as itchy skin from kidney disease. Or have her evaluated by a dermatologist if you haven’t already.

Due to liability issues I would not bank on the facility allowing CBD anytime soon.
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Check for bedbugs or fleas.
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First thing we did last year when we started seeing sores is check for bedbugs, fleas. We wash everything in gentle soap for sensitive skin. Checked all her meds for side effects. It’s positively a purely nervous habit. The sores are on her left forearm, right thigh and left side of her neck. She is right handed. Every second of the day that right hand is digging and scratching. It NEVER stops.
The Doctor is willing to write the orders to give her the oil, just as he has for b12 and Tylenol. He can’t write a prescription for it only an “order” for the distribution of it. The particular oil I want to give her does not contain THC. It is purely CDB isolate. The company does 3rd party testing on every lot of oil. I can provide the corresponding test results to lot number on bottle. The residence corporate office tells me that it is against policy for the Med nurses to give her the oil. I believe the problem lies in an outdated policy. We can’t really afford to hire a lawyer. So frustrating that they are fine with her receiving drugs that make her so out of it that she can’t hold her eyes open but they won’t give her a perfectly legal, natural substance that has no side effects. Meanwhile she’s tearing holes in herself.
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I would not give your mom CBD oil without her Dr knowing because of drug interaction. However, have you thought about CBD lotion or hemp lotion. Yes, it can cause drug interaction but most likely wouldn't. And you can play dumb if you need to.

Hemp lotion that you can buy at any tanning salon. It has no THC, but still will give mom that relax feeling. Helps with anxiety.

My mother was picking at her head and face and I do give her CBD oil and now her head and face are healing. But she lives at home and her Drs know how many mgs she is taking and what days.

The great thing about the lotion (I use for myself) it is long lasting.

Just a thought!
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Rabanette Jun 2019
If you re-read the question, you'll see that the doctor already okayed the use of CBD, but the facility refuses to dispense it.
All good advice. I think the take away here is that there is still a lot of gray area while the states are trying to figure out the legalities of it and meanwhile big pharma is figuring a way to get their paws on it, and those that might benefit from it won’t. As many questions as there are about it, the bad side effects don’t come close to the meds that have already been prescribed and given to Mom with no concern whatsoever. So frustrating.
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Problem with CBD oil (I am a fan, so don't hit me yet) is that it is not completely a benign "drug". There are studies that show that in 10% of the population, liver enzymes are raised. The claim that TCH is completely removed is almost always bogus, because when tested, CBD oil often shows up positive. Not advertising here, but I do have a link that shows which test positive for TCH and which negative. Given that the FDA has not tested (as with all supplements) and approved, I think it will be very very difficult for you to get it administered by someone in a care setting, but do wish you luck if it is helping. Do private message me if you would like to see a link I found on testing oils for cost, presence or not of TCH, etc. I will keep an eye peeled on my private messages. Good luck.
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Please note that CBD oil is not FDA approved. Thus, it is buyer beware if one plans to use this oil.
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inneedindeed Jun 2019
yes it is FDA approved....they have in prescriptions. where do you get your info?
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