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I'm sorry to hear you have to struggle with this, knowing there might be a remedy. B12 and Tylenol are both able to be regulated, so nurse or CNA would be assured of the amount their patient is getting. CBD may not quite be regulated yet.

In the meantime, is your mom wearing long sleeve shirts and long pants? Are her fingernails cut short enough so that she cannot scratch herself? Is there an anti-anxiety medication that might act similarly to the CBD?

What are the laws on CBD in Texas? I think you're going to be up against this no matter what. What about medical marijuana? Is that legal in Texas? If so, maybe that would be a way to help reduce her anxiety or whatever is causing the self harm by scratching.

As for legal rights, you would have to consult an Elder Care lawyer or possibly a Pro Bono lawyer who can assist you.

Are you able to see your mother once a day? Are you sure that providing her with the CBD yourself even once a day might not be helpful?
Helpful Answer (3)
worriedinCali Jun 2019
Marijuana is illegal in Texas. CBD that tests positive for THC is illegal. In fact it is a felony in Texas.
I would not give your mom CBD oil without her Dr knowing because of drug interaction. However, have you thought about CBD lotion or hemp lotion. Yes, it can cause drug interaction but most likely wouldn't. And you can play dumb if you need to.

Hemp lotion that you can buy at any tanning salon. It has no THC, but still will give mom that relax feeling. Helps with anxiety.

My mother was picking at her head and face and I do give her CBD oil and now her head and face are healing. But she lives at home and her Drs know how many mgs she is taking and what days.

The great thing about the lotion (I use for myself) it is long lasting.

Just a thought!
Helpful Answer (4)
Rabanette Jun 2019
If you re-read the question, you'll see that the doctor already okayed the use of CBD, but the facility refuses to dispense it.
Can the doctor write a prescription and you purchase the oil to be given?

My dad was on non medical supplements and his doctor had to write a prescription that the care home copied for his file and implemented them in his daily meditations. The doctor had to write how much daily, the brand and strength. No changing vitamins without a new rx.
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worriedinCali Jun 2019
She said the doctor can’t write a prescription
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I wonder if you personally can give the oil. That way they are not doing it.

I'm totally new at working with an AL home. Lotta restrictions by law. Today they axt me for some liquid Tylenol which I happened to have. Well it was out of date. l could personally give it to my wife no problem but they could not.
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You could contact the Texas Health and Human Services and ask them what the regulations are in regards to the administration of CDB oil by nurses or medication aides in an Assisted Living Facility.  If the Texas H&H tells you that it is okay for the CDB oil to be given to your Mom, then the ALF company should honor your request.

Just found this information:

United States CBD Laws
USA has some interesting laws on CBD, especially as each state has differing laws on cannabis. There are now 10 states where marijuana is fully legal. There are also 33 states where marijuana is legal for medical use. This includes cannabis oils. What’s more, some states make exceptions for patients with certain conditions to use CBD Oil, providing the oil has low levels of THC and high levels of CBD.

While cannabis-based CBD Oil laws can vary from state-to-state, hemp-based CBD products are much more available. In the past, states such as Texas barred the use of CBD. However, recent changes to The Farm Bill make hemp products much more legally available. You can now use CBD in all 50 states, providing the product comes from hemp and has less than 0.3% THC.

This makes it legal to buy all kinds of hemp-derived CBD products. For instance, Just CBD Store sells a range of CBD products made with hemp. This includes CBD tinctures, gummies, vape cartridges, doobies, and a lot more. You can legally buy and use any of these in all 50 states.
Helpful Answer (2)
AT1234 Jun 2019
You can use yourself, patients residing in a facility different story. ALZ can not “give consent”. I know residents who are using CBD but they are cognitive and kids buy it for them and bring it. It’s not amazoned into facility.
Thanks for your thoughts on this.
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Have the Doctor write an order for it.
Once it is a prescribed "medication" I would think that it is their obligation to administer it.
I think if it is a "suggestion" from the doctor to "try" it that is different than actually prescribing it.
Once it is "prescribed" and she has been using it for about 3 months if it works have the prescription continue if it does not show that there has been an improvement then it can be discontinued just like any other medication would be discontinued after it has show not to provide any positive results.
Helpful Answer (1)
worriedinCali Jun 2019
the doctor already said he can’t write a prescription. An order and a prescription are 2 different things.
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First thing we did last year when we started seeing sores is check for bedbugs, fleas. We wash everything in gentle soap for sensitive skin. Checked all her meds for side effects. It’s positively a purely nervous habit. The sores are on her left forearm, right thigh and left side of her neck. She is right handed. Every second of the day that right hand is digging and scratching. It NEVER stops.
The Doctor is willing to write the orders to give her the oil, just as he has for b12 and Tylenol. He can’t write a prescription for it only an “order” for the distribution of it. The particular oil I want to give her does not contain THC. It is purely CDB isolate. The company does 3rd party testing on every lot of oil. I can provide the corresponding test results to lot number on bottle. The residence corporate office tells me that it is against policy for the Med nurses to give her the oil. I believe the problem lies in an outdated policy. We can’t really afford to hire a lawyer. So frustrating that they are fine with her receiving drugs that make her so out of it that she can’t hold her eyes open but they won’t give her a perfectly legal, natural substance that has no side effects. Meanwhile she’s tearing holes in herself.
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Check for bedbugs or fleas.
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The OP's mother's doctor is already in favour, it's the faceless corporate office laying down a blanket "no" that's the problem.

Is your mother's doctor up for a fight?

What exactly has the "office" said so far? You say it's a refusal to consider it. Okay, they can do that; but then they have to justify even that decision, the decision to refuse to consider it.

Your mother (not you) has legal rights. Whether or not the company is breaching its responsibility to her will depend on their justification for refusing to permit a therapy, which your mother's doctor has already approved, to be administered on their premises. It had better be good!
Helpful Answer (2)

Even for OTC meds you need a doctor's order. Have him call it in to the RN. If she then says no, ask why since it is legal.
Helpful Answer (2)
worriedinCali Jun 2019
It’s probably because the facility doesnt know for sure that it’s absolutely THC-free. If it’s not,’s not legal. It’s a felony in the state of Texas. It’s a slippery slope. My husband would have used it for his back issues when the doctors were refusing to give him pain meds a few years back’s hard to be absolutely sure that there’s no THC in the CBD oil. He would lose his job if he failed a drug test even though weed is legal in this state.
I agree with the person who suggested that the doctor write a standing order for it like the Tylenol. I take a ton of homeopathic supplements...B12, D3, flax seed oil, pumpkin seed oil, Lutein, sage, hemp oil, turmeric ...and I would be pretty mad if a care facility refused to administer those supplements to me. ..or to my husband! They are all legal substances that I choose to take and all help me stay healthy. See what her doctor can do. Good luck!
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Since there are federal regulations that figure in the licensing of extended care facilities you are dealing with their refusal due to federal law in all likelihood. I doubt you will get far getting the oil approved..
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You are going to have trouble getting her anything that isn't on the med chart, get the doctor to prescribe it.
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