
I cared for both parents for 2 years. mom ended up going into hosptal with my dad when i retuned to work. I brought mom back to her home @ her request and moved in with her. Siblings put my dad in a NH. I stayed with mom till the day she died. dad still in NH. MY brothers want me to vacate the matrimonial house,but i want to bring my dad home and care for him. My brothers say they just want to sell the house, yet its not up for sale and was told i could stay untill it was sold. Found out my daughter had my mom co-sign a mortgage for her(own house) and got my mom to buy her a brand new car. my daughter doesnt talk to me hasnt for sometime makes up exuses but is in with my brothers on alot of things. I have felt abandoned although it didnt stop me from caring for my parents. Any ideas? suggestions? They seem to be sabotaging any effort I make. I have family secrets maybe thats why? They wont talk to me or tell me anything.i was always a daddys girl and was employed for 6 years as a PSW.

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What authority would your brothers have to sell the house? Who has POA?

Is Dad still competent to make his own decisions? Does he want to go home and be with you?

Who is now paying for things like property taxes and home insurance?
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Move. Your dad has been in a nursing home for two years. He's getting good care and is adjusted. Leave him be.

Whether it's true or not, ANYONE looking at this situation would think you want to bring dad "home" so you have a free place to live.

You're outvoted.

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my dad has not been in a NH for 2 years. He went into hospital with my mom who had the health prblems. my brothers put my dad in a home while i took care of my mom . my dad has dementia. i dont know if that helps but i was the only one out of 4 kids and a granddaughter to be there for them.
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If your dad has dementia, the nursing home is probably the best place for him. Trying to care for him by yourself as his dementia progresses will be next to impossible. It sounds like you're not going to get any help from your family. Fighting family and having 24/7 care responsibility and worrying about where you're going to live down the road is a recipe for a stress overload.

Take this forced opportunity to find yourself a place to live. You can still visit and advocate for your dad, just not at his home. Not having dad full-time will also allow you to decide what to do about your family.
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Are you in the US? I don't understand that Dad "went into hospital with my mom who had the health problems." I ask because that is not how things work in the US so it would be good to know where you are and/or a better explanation of this.

How long has your father been in a care center? If you are in the US, is he on Medicaid?
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