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Lara, we are a group of caregivers and former caregivers who are here to listen to you and support you.

Where do you live? Most of us are in the US, but we have several members from the UK, Oceania and Africa.

We are listening when you are ready. ((((Hugs)))))
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Other than this forum, you can "Google" support groups in my area. I belong to a local support group that meets twice a week. We used to meet in person, but now have to meet on Zoom, due to Covid. They helped me so much during my caregiving journey with my husband. I highly recommend one if you can find one. Good luck.
Helpful Answer (1)

Check in with your own doctor in your own home town. If you have access, I recommend Licensed Social Worker trained in Life Passages counseling. They are very good at this work. Unless you are dealing with a whole history, a whole family of problems, then your problems in caring for an elderly LO, and decisions you will be needing to make, are quite unique to the situation itself. Look under counseling in your area. Wishing you good luck.
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