Who live in Houston, TX? Both parents have memory issues. Dad is just home from REHAB recovering from hip replacement surgery and will likely not leave the house much. Mom needs to get out of the house because she's showing signs of major memory decline since my father's been home. (one week). I'm not sure where to look for an outing for her and thought of Adult Day Care. I'm wondering if anyone in the Jersey Village Area of Houston, Texas might have a suggestion and idea if their insurance might cover Adult Day Care. They have Texan Plus / Kelsey Seybold. Any suggestions are most appreciated.
There also may be a chance that Veteran's benefits may be available if Mom's spouse was in the military. Check the Veteran's Administration. Also see if there is a PACE program in your area, Program for All Inclusive Care for the Elderly. Also call your area Local Agency on Aging, within the Council of Governments.
Good luck!
Since the varies so much by location, I think your best bet is to find a center you are interested in and discuss the financial options with them. They certainly know where their funding comes from and can advise you about applying for aid.