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I don't see any reason why you'd need to sign a lease and presumably pay rent just because you are there on some overnights. Are you there 24-7 even when you're "off duty"?
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Are you an employee or a family member?

I would say No if you are an employee. Whether you are working shifts on a live in, your an employee. I would not allow myself to be put on a lease because then u could be held responsible for rent if the client falls behind on payments. Your credit would be effected.

If a family member, same thing. If you don't live there and leave to return home than I see no reason for you to be on the lease. Again, u could be held liable for any outstanding rent.

If an employee I would check with the labor board to question this or even the Housing board. Are you private or with an agency. Either way, I would say, do not allow whoever to put you on the lease.

Is this a 55 and up Community? If so, there must be some provision in their contract for Caregiver's.
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No. There’s no reason to be on the lease because you don’t live there. You don’t qualify as a tenant.
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