I'm just learning about Sundowners syndrome and am wondering what helps others have found to help ease the transition into evenings. Diet and exercise seem to be the best options, but if that were in tact already, we would have a lot less of other issues.
Limiting stress, controlling pain, soothing music late in the day, activity during the day, limiting daytime napping - all of these are things you may have tried. Frequent snacks rather than large meals may help. One informal study showed that when people wandered at night, inviting them to sit down for a light snack took their minds off of having to "do something" and they went back to bed.
Each individual is different, but all of these options are worth a try. Good luck. I know that this is a challenge.
Also, try to go for a walk even if just around the yard before it gets dark. Not possible everyday, but going to a brightly lit store (Target, Walmart, Home Depot - brightly lit mall) might help in the early evening before or after dinner.
When I'm visiting mom, we try to have a routine like a small glass of wine and a light snack at that time to cut down on the wandering and fidgiting or constant circling in the kitchen.
Its tough, but if you can do some more physical activity (walks, light exercise like chair yoga, etc.) to wear them out late in the afternoon, they tend to be more settled in the evening.
I've also just moved dinner time up in the winter (short days) from a normal 6 pm to more like 4:30 or 5 pm just for a change of pace.