I want some one there during the day who can give her lunch and company. She's afraid of the expense, but she can afford it. I have put this off for a long time because she is set against it and still has enough cognitive ability to take care of herself but all she does now is sleep and eats very little. I'm taking her to a geriatrician this week to see what he says about this. It's been going on for a couple of months now. In a way there's nothing for an aide to do for her except feed her, if she'll eat.
Another option is to check with your local physician or hospital, some nurses moonlight and will provide care weekends. They may also refer you to retired nurses,etc.
I knew of a church that used to have a "senior bank" where they had companions that came in, prepared meal and ate with the senior, took them out for walks or just watched tv or played cards for the morning and early afternoon.
Good luck.