My father had a severe stroke back in April of this year. He was unconscious for a month in the hospital. He stayed in the hospital for about 5 months since they could not find him a place to go as he does not have insurance. I was able to get him transferred to a rehab place that accepts Medicaid Pending patients. I filed the application for him in April for SS Disability and Medicaid. He was denied Disability in August, in which I then applied for SSI. My understanding is that if he receives SSI he will receive Medicaid benefits. Correct?
The rehab place said that my father had to stay at the rehab place atleast 30 days in order for them to accept him (and for Medicaid to pay them for his stay). He has stayed over a month and needs minimal therapy now, however still needs verbal cueing, impulsive, and has significant deficits in his short term memory. He is on multiple medicines he will need going forward and also has been recommended by multiple doctors that he needs 24 hour supervision. The rehab social worker told me last week that if he is discharged home before getting the Medicaid benefits that his case will be an open and closed one - meaning it would not cover the costs of medicines, home healthcare, or doctors going forward. Is this true? I thought if he was accepted, he would have medicaid on a go forward basis as well as retrospective. He is getting difficult trying to keep him there and he is ready to go home. Any insight or experience with this would be greatly appreciated.