
I’m wondering if there is an agency in Florida that can help me get some relief. I haven’t had a break and I need one. The one that needs the most help is on the waiver, but when I ask his coordinator if I can get relief she tells me it’s not in the budget. If someone can help me out I would appreciate it. I also cant get financial help! They are now my kids and their check doesn’t cover everything. Please help if you can. Thanks!

I believe I would call APS and ask for a visit, telling them that you are caring for two brothers and cannot continue.
IF there is any access to help they would know about it, would be able to guide you where to start.
I hope against hope there is someone here who might have a clue as to how to guide you, but I surely wouldn't know how to get assistance. I also don't know the details about your brother and why they are in need of 24/7 care.

You mention here a "Coordinator" who assists with the brother in need of the most care. You might tell the coordinator you will not be able to continue care, and may have to give guardianship and care of the brothers to the state without guidance on assistance. The Coordinator should know how to tell you to begin to get information on that process. Your brothers may need placement in a group home. As you can imagine, were you not there, they would be in managed extended care of SOME kind.

Good luck.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to AlvaDeer

My uncles children are a doctor, a lawyer, and a disabled with cerebral palsy. These two do not contribute to his care personally.

These brothers should have been in a group home long ago if they can’t tend to themselves.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to PeggySue2020

Of course you are exhausted! Who wouldn't be?? You need your life back before it's too late...

You aren't responsible for your happiness. Your brothers obviously don't care about yours, your health, your financial situation, etc. So, it's time for them to go into a facility on Medicaid. They can be roommates.

Call their caseworkers and have this discussion. And then do not feel guilty no matter what your brothers say to you. NO ONE can or should be caregiving for 2 needy people at the cost to themselves. You've done yeoman's work for 7 years and now you are making yourself a priority, which is how it should have been from the start.
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Reply to Geaton777

I have a physically disabled nephew. I am lucky for now he can live on his own. He has a State co-ordinator who has given me the impression that he has the ability to have him placed if the need arises. Nephew too has a budget and gets an aide for 5 hours on Fridays. His doctor visits are made for that day. He runs his errands on that day. I pretty much am just his POA. Any problems he has the co-ordinator handles.

Tell us what you do for these brothers and what are their disabilities? I hope both are getting Social Security Disabikity. At least supplimental income. Medicare and Medicaid? The best thing I did was call my county Disabilities dept. You must tell the coordinator you can't do it anymore and brother needs to be placed where he needs are met.
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to JoAnn29

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