
Mom still lives alone at 88. I call her and visit often. Our conversations consist of her complaining about absolutely everything. When I try to ask her about her visit to my sister's house the day before, she has no input. She remembers going there but doesn't recall what she had for dinner or any other details. She asks the same questions multiple times and cannot remember appointments, birthdays, holidays etc. I have to call her in the morning on the day of my visit and then again when I am on my way over there so she'll be dressed and ready to go. She has no stimulation in her life other than tv and visits from me and my sister. We take her every where she needs to go or we do everything for her. Is her mental state due to her non stimulating life style or a sign of things to come?

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She needs to see a neurologist for a complete workup. It could be something that can be cleared up like a UTI or a medication interaction, but it sounds very much like dementia may be the culprit. There are drugs that can slow the progression in some people so the sooner she sees a qualified doctor the better.

Take care and please let us know how this works out.
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What's the difference between dementia and alzheirmers?
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This is a great question. I also wondered if there was a difference between Dementia and alzheimers. As I understand it, alzheimers is a FORM of dementia. Please input a better answer, anyone! I am very curious about this.
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Dementia is the umbrella under which all other forms of dementia fall. "Dementia" is a general term. It includes Lewy Body dementia, vascular dementia, Alzheimer's, Cruztfeld-Jacob, frontaltemporal lobe dementia, and several other illnesses. So Alzheimer's is a particular form of dementia.

There are specific symptoms to Alzheimer's that someone with garden variety dementia may not experience. Just like there are specific symptoms to Lewy Body Dementia that someone with just plain old dementia may not experience.

Alzheimer's is gauged in stages and there are many stages that contain specific symptoms. The Alzheimer's Association has a comprehensive list on their website.
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aferrino, if she is taking prescription meds by herself, do a pill count. Very possibly she is messing it up. Very common and they will appear to be in dementia.
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