
My mom has a cancer policy that says it will pay for hospice care (100 a day), but I recently found out that this only applies to state approved facilities not imhome hospice. I think this is totally unfair as there really is no such thing as longer term hospice facilities. Has anyone else run I to this problem. Insurance company is MOO.

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If your mom is on Medicare, hospice is covered 100% at home.
My late husband was under in home hospice care for the last 22 months of his life and his Medicare paid for all equipment, supplies and medications, along with a nurse coming out once a week to start and aides to bathe him twice a week.
And if your mom ever has to go to a hospice home for respite or to die, then that is also covered 100% under her Medicare.
Keep in mind though that with in-home hospice, 99% of moms care will still fall on you or whoever she is living with.
And in most states you yourself can call the hospice agency of your choice and have them come do an evaluation on your mom. They will then get the doctors orders.
I wish you well as travel this final journey with your mom.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to funkygrandma59

In home hospice care is free on Medicare, paid for by Medicare. However, it supplies only medications, equipment, one RN visit a week (more toward the end) , three bedbaths a week, a call from clergy and social worker. Gone from being a critical "mission" to being a cog in the military-industrial complex wheels.
You are correct, that in facility hospice care is rare, now, as hen's teeth.
But are you CERTAIN there are none in your area? I recently found out there are some few in our area I wasn't aware of.

I would tell you to start with the insurance company. Ask them for a list of facilities in your area. If they say they've no idea ask them who DOES have an idea.
Call every hospice you can find in your area asking who has in facility care you can access.

My friend died on Hospice about a year and one half ago. She spent 1,000s upon 1,000s of dollar so she could simply have those three bedbaths and the magic morphine bottle. The REAL care was done by two gals she hired for 20.00 an hour, two 12 hour shifts daily. The money hemorrhaged out.
It is ludicrous to think someone can "die at home" with hospice aid. There's very little "aid" involved anymore. Family is doing the real work. They simply stop by and for this the federal government is paying BIG TIME tax money. They are the new Hedgefund honies.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to AlvaDeer

In my dad’s city there was one hospice agency that operated an optional hospice house. It’s an inpatient home for a persons final weeks and completely amazing. We’d have used this hospice provider if we’d known it ahead of time. In home hospice worked out, but it was definitely work, and it most all fell on me around the clock. Be sure to know your area options before choosing an agency. I wish you peace in such a difficult time
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Reply to Daughterof1930

My mother was in a lovely end of life hospice care home.

Mom received excellent care and had access to a social worker and clergy. She died peacefully at age 95.

I wish everyone had this option. Please research hospice providers thoroughly. They are not all the same.

Wishing you and your family all the best.
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