Hi my mom was put on hospice 3 weeks ago they took her off all memory meds..now she is losing weight and she seems like she is losing muscle tone because she slips down on her wheel chair and chair in her room..she loss 6 pounds in 3 weeks..my question could this be happen because she got off of her memory meds..??? She is in stage 7.. Thanks..
Back when my Mom was in long-term-care due to a serious head trauma from a fall, she was in last stage of dementia from the brain injury.... my Mom lost a lot of weight as she wasn't eating very much and had zero exercise because she lost the ability to stand and to take direction. Yet in her mind she still thought she could stand, thus was always trying to climb out of the bed and the geri-recliner. She eventually stopped eating/drink all together... then it just a matter of time :(