My Mom recently came home from the Hospital, and she isn't even able to lift her head. She has a Hospital bed rental, and the mattress is defective. They're bringing her out a new mattress tomorrow.
What's the easiest/best way to switch out mattresses, please? She is not able to sit up or stand. Do I do it the same way I change sheets? She can roll on her side a little bit for changes.
I don't want her to fall off the side, though.
I don't have family to help, and her Health Care Home Visitors that her insurance provides, aren't allowed to lift. The bed rental company is just going to drop it off, they're not allowed to help.
Please don't suggest neighbors/church/family/friends in the area - as none of these are options for us, unfortunately.
I've called a few at home health care agencies, but they all said they don't lift.
Should I call the Paramedics and just pay their $150 fee? Any ideas? Want to avoid calling them because they are just so expensive for lift assists...
Thank you very much
Otherwise, pay the fee for the paramedics?
An a medical transport company, compare the cost, but still expensive.
Call Medicare to see if they can suggest something, or cover the medical fees.
When hospice comes out, they bring the bed, set it up, and settle the patient, so their companies should at least have people who do this.
Sorry that this is made more difficult by the Covid requirements.
Hope something works for you and your Mom. 🍂🍃🌾🌻
She doesn't have Hospice, or any contact with Hospice.
Thank you for helping, there just aren't too many options .. We just have so many bills coming in from the ambulance, hospitalization, co-pays, etc - it's such a shame to have to pay just to move onto a new mattress. When that money can be used for other things like all the incontinence supplies, and existing hospital bills... sigh
Physical Therapist will do some wheelchair training that day, and I'll change the mattresses out while Mom's in the wheelchair. Thank you again.
Before the mattress is delivered call and ask if they can change the mattress with someone in the bed. If not ask that the delivery be delayed u til you can get the Hoyer Lift.
I am very surprised that they sent her home without the proper equipment for you to care for her properly
You mentioned the health care home visitors. But also that other help is not available "neighbors/church/family/friends in the area - as none of these are options for us, unfortunately".
Hopefully your Mother's health will improve? Is there hope for a recovery or will she require more help?
I hope you are still able to keep some social connections for yourself & not become isolated or burnt out.
Is there any room in the bedroom to use a hoyer type lift?? You might be able to rent one of those. She lays on the lifter part. Hook it up to the lift and raise her up into a sitting position. You place her on it like changing a sheet.
If lift is out of the question, you're going to have to get some help. I don't see how you can move one mattress out, move another one in, while dealing with a person who cannot move at all. You may have no choice but to pay them. See earlybird's comment, as well.