
She is suicidal. I am the only one available. Help me! I need advice on what social services are available to me in San Mateo County, CA!

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If she is suicidal she needs to go to the ER for evaluation. Let them know it is a serious situation.

When I was a teenager my grandmother had a stroke, then committed suicide after she had recovered some. My grandfather left her for a few minutes to go to the store. When he came back, she was already dead. She could have lived many more years, but the depression took her. I am glad that you are there to help your mother.
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My great niece is 30 and suicidal. She is currently in the hospital. So, i know a little about what you are facing. Can you get her to the ER? If not, I would call 911. Hopefully, you are able to get some help, tonight.
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I would call 911 and tell them that your mom is a danger to herself.

BTW, what depression meds is she on? They are obviously not working and her doctor needs to know that!
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I speak with her and have taken steps to prevent any attempts and if something goes wrong she's connected to Lifeline and 911 is automatically called and I am notified immediately! But when I call next I will make a judgment call and take the necessary steps.
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Most places in California will admit her to psyc for evaluation for a few days if she is suicidal. Calling 911 is first step in that process. They can prescribe medications from there.
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Thank you all your advice. I know now what to do and will take the next step!
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She should not be alone. Hope you can get her into care immediately. Let us know.
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Lifeline will not keep her from commiting suicide. I hope you will get her to the hospital for a psychiatric evaluation.
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Suicidal you say~~GO TO A Psychiatric hospital ER immediately~~
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