
My mom is restless more and more. She walks around the house for hours. Mom has alzheimers. Lately she can't settle down. She walks around the house for hours. I can distract her briefly sometimes with a book or TV or a chore, but it only lasts for a few minutes. Right now it is 11 am and she's been walking around on and off for 4 hours. If today is like other days recently, she won't stop all day. Any ideas?

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Adult Day Care is so good. She really needs some stimulation. It has been wonderful for my mom.
Also I get her out for exercise. I tell everyone I have to wear her down. And I do. We go for walks and went to the Aquarium and just went at her pace. Of course I have things set up Montessori style around the house so activities catch her eye and attention. Paint, brushes, and pictures or crafts are set out on the table and left out, they want easy, larger print short stories, older children's books are good, the EASY crossword puzzles, I even read those out loud and we do it together, magazines she likes, clothes to fold, foods easily handled to snack on, or that are out and she can pour into a plastic bowl herself, etc. But really, physical activity is so important. Getting out of the house, does not have to be long, take a little walk and examine the flowers, just to do it and they get tired fast.
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Julie - Please don't take this the wrong way - I say it as a reformed control freak myself - but do you want your mom to be still for her sake or yours? As long as she's not hurting herself or anyone else, what's wrong with pacing? As I read the comments above there are some good ideas to occupy her time but this might be something that goes on for a while given her disease process. One thing I've learned about helping my own mom is that we can't "bend" them to our routines and preferences - especially when alzheimers is taking over. Whether they are okay mentally or not, bringing another adult into your home requires adjustment from all, and it's constant adjustment as they age and become less able to do things. Since they, our elders, are limited physically and mentally (sometimes) it's the rest of us who end up adjusting the most. I caused myself a lot of frustration until I finally "got this".

You are a blessing to your mom - she's lucky to have such a caring child. Best of luck to you both.
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You've probably done this, but look into each of her meds for this. I've been on the watch for this since I myself was given a medication for something totally unrelated and it made me subtly agitated and gave me something like Restless Leg Syndrome. The doctor said it couldn't be (grrr), but online I found other people who had had that reaction to that drug.
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Mom is 63. She has Alzheimer's and is in Stage 5. I finally found a movie yesterday that she wanted to watch and she settled down for a couple of hours. Later she apologized to me for having a bad day. I told her that I just wished I could help her when she's restless. She told me that it wasn't my job to do that. Breaks my heart!
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Unfortunatly Medicaid is Federal. They know everything!
Please get power of attorney so you can sell her house and the money can be used for your mom. Also some senior homes will do this for you. They all have several programs, you just have to start calling. Believe me they will be helpful as this is their business. The biggest reason we invest in homes is so we have an investment for when we get old and need it. Use it for her and get your life back. Then attend to her on a much more even keel for you.
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Hi, I go thru the same thing with the wandering since my moms strokes. Before that, she also HAD to stay busy. She folded towels over and over and loved it. At first it scared me that she didnt know they were the same ones after I messed them up or put them in the dryer and gave them back to her. Daycare also is great to keep them busy. My Mom will sit down with tea (with helo) but eat finger food for a long time. I use colorful Trix, fruits, cheerios, etc. We spend hours at the table because she cant do anything else now. Looking forward to your other answers coming.
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I think she means that the walking is uncomfortable, a very restless feeling in which her Mom cant settle down. I have seen it in my own Mom, and its not that you dont want them to walk, they are very uneasy and aggitated, it doesnt appear to be a comfortable state of mind. Its like they keep looking for something and cant find it. Is this true Julie? Just my opinion. I hear its a "stage" but am hoping it ends here soon too. good luck.
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bless your heart... take care and know you are in my thoughts!!
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Hi Picture,
Thanks for your response. I have been searching and reading online and it said sometimes the caregiver goes first with all the stress. I don't think at this point and time it's wise to lose $70,000. Would my mother benefit from the sale, Yes. This in a Nursing home would last maybe 2 years. Yes, I know Medicaid is federal but maybe they might be able to help in some way. Also, I do have POA. This is something my Mother always wanted to leave us with (Me, Brother and Grandson). I am doing my best with her. I am stressed out, and could use help. I know there has to be a way without selling what she worked so hard for. My brother also invested into this property but was put only under her name. It's a lot of things involved in this situation.
I appreciate all responses!
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Mousey the best thing you can do for yourself is get her on medicaide go to an elder lawyer and get help and the social worker is the nursing home will help you you will not beresponsible for any of her expenses not like a spouse would be -a lawyer told me that 60% of caregivers die before the one they are taking care do-she will get good care and will have to spend down her money and then her care will continue on Medicaide you have your own problems you need to think of yourself I am telling you this from experience I had to make a decision about my husband and knew his care was too much for me but I was left with a pile of debt because I was the spouse-you will not be responsible for her expenses-you can use her money for the elder lawyer because you will need help with the paperwork she probably does not know where her documents are and the social workers and lawyer will know how to get all the items you need.
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