
Things are turning up missing in mom's home, she is 93 and a bit hard of hearing, and mobility issues, but is fully competent of knowing what she has and is going on. She appointed POA's, and has a Conservator for her money. These of course are good, and POA is not able to do anything to help when the mom doesn't want to start the ball rolling about doing the right thing for items she knows are turning up missing when certain people come to her home. The problem is she complains to no end about the problem, but when she is told how she can handle the situation, the brick wall goes up and those trying to help become a bit of the enemy. She has tried to confront the person(s) that are doing the stealing, however, they have now blocked her from communicating with them. Has anyone been in the situation where it has become a continual conversation of problem, but the aging parent won't do what is right because of fear of what the perpetrators will retaliate with. It is abuse and our system for elder abuse here is not seeing the whole picture as she is not considered to be in harms-way. So the stealing continues. Any suggestions?

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When I found out that my OB was stealing from the home I try to get my mother to talk to him, but like always she put her head in the sand. So I change the locks! I also put locks on my dad's tool cabinet and his paint room. I also change the locks on the garage doors because I heard through the grapevine that he was planing to take the my mom's lawnmower, snow blower, wheel barrel, my BF snow blower, my grill, and whatever else he felt that he had a right too.

Change the locks!
Helpful Answer (10)
NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2019
Shell, smart thinking!
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I knew a person that knew their housekeeper was stealing. She loved this charming woman from England with a delightful accent and she said even though she knew she stole the cat food, groceries, jewelry and so forth that it was okay because she had such a pleasant personality. Crazy, huh?
Helpful Answer (5)
Jasmina Mar 2019
Why would she steal cat food?
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Our mother stated the same thing that people were stealing from her. She even thought her son was taking her money. We believed her totally. We allienated a caregiver because Mom stated she stole her lipstick and the caregiver said she would never do this. We finally realized that her short term dementia was advancing where she thought people were stealing her blind. As it turned out, she started hiding things from where they normally were so people did not steal them
from her. We even found her partial hidden in the cabinet wrapped up in tissue paper so no one would take them. Her jewelry armoire was totally emptied into different boxes and hidden so no one would steal them because she noticed things were missing. A caregiver gave her a beautiful quilt which she promptly hid in her dresser so on one would take it. I gave her a beautiful robe and slippers which she continues to hide in the back part of the closet so no one will take it. If I were you, I would look around and you will probably find what is missing. Look in pillow cases, drawers, under the bed and in the back of shelves. We are always looking for what is “stolen” and usually find it. Good luck!
Helpful Answer (5)
jacobsonbob Mar 2019
That's excellent advice, but from what we're seeing here, it appears the OP is certain of what is going on.
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Don't allow them into the home. Change locks and don't give them a key. Tell Mom not to let them in. If she does, then the problem is hers. I understand that she is with it but she is allowing herself to be taken advantage of. The POA can step in.
Helpful Answer (4)
thingsarecrazy8 Mar 2019
Thank you for your reply. The problem with how her POA is written, unless she is declared incompetent by 2 doctors the POA is unable to do anything. She is a shut in, and yes, maybe she is allowing herself to be a victim, but on the other hand she fears this person and what retaliation she will encounter. I have a protective order on this person due to issues of intimidation and threats against me.
Do you know who these people are?

Do you know for a fact that thefts of property have taken place?

If so, is there any reason why you yourself cannot report them either to their employers or to the police?

Of course, it all slightly depends on what is going missing and in what circumstances. But if it's cash, jewellery or items of defined value like that, and you're sure of your facts, what's stopping you?

Are the "certain people" relatives, friends, neighbours or hired assistants?
Helpful Answer (4)
thingsarecrazy8 Mar 2019
Ys, they are family members, angry because his $800 a month meal ticket was taken away by social security as it was reported he was believed to be misusing her funds
Social security found record of misuse, mom would not press charges, but did get representative payee. All sorts of items are missing, pillows, jewelry, social security card, state ID, pictures, clock, and music she listens to. Bug band era and Kenny Roger's etc.
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"She has tried to confront the person(s) that are doing the stealing, however, they have now blocked her from communicating with them." Is the problem solved and these "certain people" are out of the picture because they have blocked her? How were they gaining entry?
Helpful Answer (3)
thingsarecrazy8 Mar 2019
It is her youngest son, granddaughter doing the theft. No they only block her when she confronts them. It goes a couple of days and then they will call her as she is only blocked from calling them
She however did get a bit spunky and blocked them. They called the police on her saying she was behaving strangely and wanted police to make a visit. This family wants control and they dont have it.
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If things are missing in your parents home,or important papers or bills that haven't been paid,look under loose rugs or carpets,my Aunt hid all her bills under the carpets. Then,years later,my Grandmother stashed her money,(cash) wrapped in foil in the freezer.
Helpful Answer (3)
NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2019
Oh my gosh! Crazy.
I discovered my younger brother had been stealing money from my mom. He had been taking advantage of her for years by living off her, her paying his bills, and she even signed her house over to him. I call Adult Protective Services. They came out, talked to her but she refused to press charges on her. When my dad died, she had about half a million in assets. When she died, she had $40,000 left.
Helpful Answer (3)
NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2019
How sad. That’s awful, Katie. I’m sorry.
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In home cameras. Telling your loved one to stop complaining since she won't do anything about it. Filing a police report. These are the options. The video will catch the thieves red handed, get them arrested and solve the problems.
Helpful Answer (3)
NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2019
Love it!
Are you sure she completely understands what is going on? Perhaps she is more forgetful than you are aware? Our elders can certainly fool us to believe what they want us to believe.
If she does yet still prefers not to confront the person try in home cameras.
You can’t make her act but I’d be proactive in making sure it doesn’t happen again.
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