How do you handle a mother is has always been grateful and pleasant and now she is angry and mean all the time? Her health is great but she complains all the time. I never do anything right and she says I cause arguments with her all the time. She is never in a good mood and I have tried to be patient but now I don't know what to do anymore. I'm tired of crying all the time. She is 3 hrs from me so I talk with her often on the phone. I end up just telling I got to go because she wants to argue all the time. Help!
We often here that getting old is not for sissies. I have to add that caring for someone who is getting old is definitely not for sissies. It is a stressful job, but someone has to do it. I wish that all people got sweeter as they get older. Some do. I envy the families of these sweet people.
We have tried different meds but they made things worse. Staying in a daily schedule and avoiding stressful situations works the best..