Mom has mild dementia. She's 87 years old. Congestive heart failure that see-saws up and down the fluid balance scale. She's very weak, can barely walk, has balance issues, and more. At night she often wakes me up talking in her sleep . . . carrying on real conversations that repeat over and over again. She often addresses her brothers and sister who passed years ago.
Tonight I woke up hearing her talking up a storm to one of her brothers about another brother and whether or not he took some bread. She alternated between swearing he didn't take it to asking him plaintively if he did, to defending him against all comers, to threatening to whoop him if he did. Hahaha!!
Sometimes her conversations are, well, just creepy. They're mostly a loop. Same tune/different verse over and over again for an hour or so. Then she's quiet. Then, it might start up again with something else.
Right now, it's 1:07 AM here; she's been jabbering for 45 minutes about Carl and the bread he did or didn't take. What the heck?? She never remembers these episodes in the morning.
Anyone else experience this?