90 year old mom lives on her own. Drinks ensures and eats sometimes. Drives and goes to church and runs errands. I live very close and don't work and see her everyday to check on her and house. Phone calls in between. Sharp mind. Has friends. Weighs 113 pounds 5'5 getting frail.
Yesterday, couldn't walk. Even with cane. Pain in legs. Weak. Heavy breathing. Pale. Took her to her PP and he immediately did a breathing treatment and then chest X-ray . Pneumonia 1 lung . Now she's in hospital . Low blood pressure. Low blood count. Transfusion. Want to send her to a nursing home because she's so weak to get her PT after blood count goes up. She is extremely opposed and has said before if she ever had to go to one of those places she would "give up"
Omg. What can I expect logically?
Your Mom doesn't realize that today's nursing homes are so very much different. Much nicer facilities.