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You do not indicate any medical problems your mom has. The only thing in your profile is that you have been caring for her since you were 18.
I have to ask ..Why?
Sleeping a lot can be a sign of many things.
Over medicated
It is one of the End of Life signs. (not the only one so do not jump to conclusions)
My Husband had dementia and the last year of his life he went from sleeping 12 to 23 hours a day.
There is a wonderful pamphlet (you can read it on line) called Crossing The Creek and it has a wonderful explanation as to why someone sleeps for a long time.

If you provide a bit more information you will probably get much better answers.
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You might want to speak with her doctor about this. It may be as simple as adding a multivitamin added to her daily routine. It may be something else going on, such as sedating medications or out of balance electrolytes. Either way, you will gain answers or peace of mind.
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