What can I do to prevent potentially disastrous financial decisions my mother is contemplating? We suspect either Dementia or Alzheimers, even Schizophrenia, but since mom hasn't been to (and will NOT go to) a doctor in over 40 years, we have no way to stop her short of having her forcefully committed which I refuse to do. We are maintaining her in her home and I'm afraid that she would lose all touch with reality if we took her from her familiar surroundings. My siblings are in an uproar, many bills exist from the illness & death of my father two years ago, we had hoped to clear those debts after mother is gone. In addition, she is rather a hoarder, at present there are 16 cats that she feels are closer than family,,, sigh... The list goes on and on, but as her eldest daughter, I feel like I carry her fragile reclusive self in my hands, and that if I make a misstep she will simply give up, leaving her home would be the end for her I'm afraid. At present she is comfortable and I check her up to 4 times daily,, but seeing what dad worked for just lost is causing much family stress...
The question is: how desparately do you want to prevent your mom from leaving her possession to the pet rescue? ....Desperate enough to hurt her feelings and go against her by declaring her unfit, etc...? Unfortunately with the onset of her paranoia (or dementia), it's only going to get worse. If she doesn't trust you now, it's only going to get worse later. But..if losing her house to the pet rescue is not earthshattering for you, then just do your best to continue what you're doing now.
By the way, are those cats staying inside the house with her? If they are, it's very important that her home remains in good hygiene. I accidentally got bit by my sister's stray blind cat (she thought my little pinkie was food.) I went online and searched on cat bite. Did you know that a cat bite is more dangerous than a dog bite? Cat bites so much germs and their bite goes much deeper even to the bone, etc...
Sounds like you are able to keep her comfortable and relatively safe. Maybe that is the best that can be hoped for.
I guess your father's creditors can fight it out with the cats.