After no less than 110 visits in the last year, of no response past yes or no, suddenly my mother is talking to me, telling me she is all better. She told me we need to walk to the desk and let them know we are leaving today. How can you take that moment into your heart when she is so torn up, convince she is all better and begging near tears to go home. Only home is where she lived 50 years ago. It lasted till morning. When I returned the following morning, she just stared at me only answering with a confusing yes or no. When I called later that day, she just keeps setting the phone down. her condition appears worse after this lucid eppisode. This is ripping me apart, leaving me unsettled in my skin. How can this happen after so very long. Please give me your fed back if you have experienced this. Thank you.
Sometimes the fog lifts for whatever reason. It can seem cruel or it can be a blessing. Maybe a little of both. It is unsettling, that's a good description for it. It's like our loved one has been hiding in some other person and all of a sudden they appear out of nowhere albeit temporarily. Then they're gone again. It's one of the cruelest aspects of dementia.