My mom is stuck in a marriage that she doesn't want. In the last three years, a lot of things has changed for me. My dad tries to repair the damaged relationship which is good but then verbally attacks my mom every other day (which is why mom wants out) and kicks my brother out. My mom was going to give him an ultimatum and now finds out that he has Alzheimer's beginning stages. What is my mom to do? He's been acting this way before the Alzheimer's?
First option - put him into a home equipped to look after Alzheimers patients.
Second option - file for divorce.
Good luck.
Many years ago, a friend who is a psychiatrist was acting as a consultant to a big city fire department. A respected chief had suddenly, out of nowhere, started physically and verbally abusing his wife. She, a smart cookie, called his chief who reported this to the chief medical officer of the FD.
My friend interviewed the fire fighter. He said "I talked to him for about 5 minutes, and I knew EXACTLY where the tumor was located".
I still get chills when I tell that story. The surgery was successful and both the career and the marriage were fine.
You can't really do anything here because it's her marriage. She's been putting up with this behavior for a long time now, so she is the one who has to say ENOUGH and then actually do something about changing the situation.
If you are in the home and witness ANY sort of physical violence, you too can place a call to 911. Let your mom know that you intend to do just that if you see him raise a hand to her at any time.
Keep yourself safe as well.
Good luck!
Was this a good marriage before the last 3 years?
Has your mother asked for your advice?
Is there a local women's abuse shelter for counseling? (Ask Police Dept.)
Is there a doctor who can help communicate possibilities for community help to your Mom? I believe all your Mom can do is save herself, no matter how much she has loved or loves your father, because verbally abusive relationships many times escalate to physical abuse. You, too, need to look out for yourself and stay out of the middle of any confrontations.