He’s never had hallucinations before. He lives in our guest house. He said the other night a pack rat woke him up because it bit him on the finger, and it hurt pretty bad. We live in the desert so it’s possible I guess one could have gotten in the home, but I find it strange it didn’t leave a bite mark on his finger. Don’t they have pretty large teeth? So I guess all I can do is call an exterminator to have them look around. My father tells me last night he had a dream that kittens were in his home and sleeping on top of him. I’m wondering if he’s dreaming of rats and kittens or hallucinating or what? Do hallucinations usually come on at night? (He has vascular dementia. Perhaps the stage before not being able to bathe or dress yourself). Thanks for your help.
blood flows throughout the body you know. if it gets too bad, it can can affect the brain.
take him in and get the UTI test done and evaluated, then go from there.
Simple to check, and easy to fix.
That said, having VaD can cause hallucinations but they would occur when he is awake. His dreams are not hallucinations.