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Although I cannot classify my mother as a narcissist, she definitely needs to be the center of attention. I had to pick her up, in December, from her home in GA because APS had been called. She lived with me for two miserable months. I found a great assisted living place about 2 weeks ago and she seems to be thriving! And, our relationship is much better! Find your mother a place and move her, immediately. I am not sure what kind of doctors would guilt you into keeping her at home with you? Telling you that she will die within 3 months? They really don't know. Your family needs to be able to heal, so do what is best for you, your husband and son. Mom had her chance...
Helpful Answer (8)

You are entitled to live the life that you choose. You are entitled to some peace of mind and happiness. You are entitled to live in a peaceful environment. Your mother didn't deprive herself of living her life in the manner she chose and she is still is trying to do that. You know what action needs to be taken. There shouldn't be any guilt attached to your decision because it's the right one for you and for her.
Helpful Answer (10)

You have some great answers here but let me tell you from experience, your mother needs to be put into a nursing home. You cannot keep going on like this and neither can your husband and child. You cannot take care of everyone and your husband is having panic and anxiety attacks and your son is ADHD....put mom into a nursing home, you and your family have done all that you can and do not beat yourself up over it!
Helpful Answer (20)

Another thought...if your parent you are care giving is a narcissus ..and you have a kind are their perfect prey...they will definitely use your good nature to get their demands met...
Helpful Answer (11)

In a way I have the same problem, no one but me will take care of my mom and I was always the loser she never bothered with until she needed help. I let my life behind to move in with her and see to it that she can stay in her house as long as possible. I can not have friends over she lives about me to everyone saying I starve her when I cook 3 meals a day, if I go visit a friend she calls constantly and tells me there is no food in the house or she is ill etc. She has belittled me all my life and nothing is ever good enough that I do. This I have all blown off. I do not allow her to make me feel bad and I carry on in just that manner. She says what she wants and it does not affect me, I watch out for her health and make sure she eats and drinks as much as I can get her to. What I would do in your situation since your mother is totally capable of understanding everything and does not have Alz or Dementia is sit her down just you and her somewhere out of the house and away from everyone and ask her what is needed for her to work with this family matter and not against it. Explain what you feel and yes she will deny she has any part, but this is your part. Tell her in no easy terms that if things do not change in order to take care of your first responsibility which is to your own family that you will have no choice but to put her in a home. Explain to her what the doctors have said about that and ask what her choice is. Give her if she wants to stay with you an amount of time to see if she changes and if not set a date to put her in a home. It is not easy to be a caregiver especially to one we feel has never appreciated or loved us, but what we do is right. We can only do so much and no matter how hard the choice may be if you have to send her away never feel guilty of what happens for you did all you could in your power and that matters a tremendous amount, not only in your life but in hers though she will never tell you this. Good luck and much love and strength to you.
Helpful Answer (6)

I can tell you from experience that the only way you're ever going to find a peaceful life is to cut off the narcissist and move on. You say you're taking care of her? You don't know her anything! What you need to do is get your priorities straight and decide what really matters and what doesn't. You don't know that narcissist one more part of yourself, she ruined it  so let her decide how to take care of herself. She's probably not paying you either, you can't just hire free caregivers and not expect to pay them, they deserve decent pay especially in your situation. I would call APS and alert them to the situation. I would just leave and let whatever happens happen because you don't  whatever happens happen because you don't owe her nothing, and next time she tries to order you around, just don't cater to her demand, I'll just pretend like she doesn't even exist, kind of like she's just not there. Yes, just ignore her like she's not even there and go about whatever you're doing.  If you have a mobile device with downloaded Music and a pair of earbuds, just turn on your music ahead of time before she has a chance to bark out orders. Yes, kind of distract yourself and get into your music and before long you won't even know what she's saying or doing, but at the same time be aware of your surroundings and don't let her attack you. If she does anything to you, call the law and press charges. Make them stick if you do. If given your particular situation, I personally would take the first opportunity and go somewhere on an outing as far away from home as absolutely possible. Get her engaged in some kind of activity she really enjoys and when she barely knows you're there, just simply leave and never look back but be sneaky about it. Yes, just dump her somewhere, I sure would, I have no tolerance for these types of people after having been through too much abuse in my life. After all, this person is an adult and I remind you again, you don't owe her nothing and you're not obligated to her especially if she's living in your home and has no home of her own. Yep, I would definitely dump her as far away as absolutely possible if she was living in my home and trying to take over everything and making the lives of me and my family miserable. Dumping someone like that is about the best thing you can do. If she's left somewhere, she'll just have to scrape scrape up all her money and start over, because I wouldn't let her back in my house, no way not know how! If she has a key, I would change the locks. 

My experience with narcissists 

I can tell you that the narcissist behavior will never stop and that it's just a different pattern of the abuse cycle and in less you've actually been physically abused, you'll never understand the cycle. Hindsight is a very good teacher and there are different abuse types that you may not recognize even though you may have been in one or two. You may have experience was with one or two abuse types but you may not be able to spot or recognize unfamiliar ones. Sometimes we must go through something in order to understand it because sometimes it takes experience to learn a lesson. Sadly, something people must go through the same thing over and over and over until they get it but other times they must go through it because there's no escape. I can tell you as an abuse survivor that the only way to have a peaceful life is to cut off the person who is hurting you because they don't care about you or anyone else, they only care about themselves and not the needs of others. Cutting them out of your life may very well include dumping them somewhere if they are living in your home, but dump them as far away as possible, change the locks and your number. Selfish people will go to great links to make sure the needs of even their own people are never met, I know this for a fact because I grew up around two drunken abusive and very selfish parents. It's sad how selfish people very often end up using even their own, only to leave them struggling in ruin and not provide for their needs later in life despite not providing for them during childhood. I think new laws should be made to crack down on all abuse types, meaning that new laws would make some kind of provision for abuse survivors if those laws don't already exist.
Narcissistic people are very capable of tremendous damage toward their victims, and doesn't it seem funny they often attract the company of other victims and sometimes other narcissists? Now I know what's meant by birds of a feather flock together because they really do flock together. The kind of person you are will reflect what kind of company you keep, and whatever kind of company you keep speaks volumes of you. You may or may not agree with everything your type of company does or supports, but if you don't support it, don't do it or you become just like them. If you don't want to become narcissistic, don't hang with narcissists and learn their behavior. What you need right now is to hang with only healthy company and sever toxic relationships that are poisoning you without you knowing it. 

Before judging anything I say, try walking a mile where I've been because you have no idea until you've been where I have. Most people couldn't handle where I've been nor could they have survived what I survived. I don't think you could handle where I've been, but I've learned many lessons, and I have the sense to not deal with those types of situations ever again. Yep, I've developed a no nonsense strategy of no tolerance whatsoever. 

You say she won't do what's necessary to stay alive? OK then, let her die if she wants it that way. I can tell you right now she's just keeping the illness cycle going on, I've seen this kind of behavior before with an elderly friend who is now dead. If they don't want to take necessary steps to stay alive and healthy, then just let them go because they have a death wish. I can tell you I've seen this before, I've known different types of narcissists before, and isn't it strange how they just keep the illness cycle going and don't even try to make improvements to better their own lives? Yep, these are the kinds you must absolutely say let them die, they're taking away from other people who really need the help and will put forth an effort to better themselves. What I see you doing right now in this so-called caregiving is actually enabling her when you could move on to someone else who really needs you because she doesn't or she would be making improvements to stay alive and healthy. Look back at everything and you'll see where I'm coming from.
Helpful Answer (11)

Dear are at burnout...where do you place the dividing line between being compassionate and constantly being used and abused by your own parent. You and your entire family...and for most of your life? I live here too. Narcissitic people can be very charming to outsiders...and will use lies to get what they want. Often you won't find a lot of support as society thinks older people are so sweet...right? Wrong. After years of me towing her line...after she refused to take rx ..just Paxil for obvious reasons...I finally hit the wall..set up counseling...told my brother I'm Done...I feel ashamed..but he is stepping up moms in a beautiful senior apt I worked years to get her into...all she needs is transportation to dr I live in guilt and counseling will help and I can resume what feels like the right thing to her..with strong boundaries...which she's never respected...I recommend counseling...your sanity depends on it..prayers for your entire family. Hugs
Helpful Answer (11)

It sounds like there are very long standing issues of hurt, pain, abuse, etc. Has your mother suffered with depression or some other mental health issues? Sometimes, that causes people to be miserable, neglect their responsibilities and generally behave n odd ways. I'd discuss it with her doctor to see if she can be treated.

Having that person who caused you such pain living in your home and causing your family more heartache sounds troublesome. Do you think that she has changed for the better? Not likely. Did you go through therapy to get past it? If not, then, I don't see how you expect things to be good. Plus, it sounds like mom might be having some cognitive issues herself. If that's the case, she may be progressing to become even more difficult to manage.

I'm not sure what you are trying to accomplish, since your mom would be perfectly cared for elsewhere, since, it's apparently not working in your home. I'd explore where she can be placed and then do it. If she has the funds to cover it, they can be applied and if not, apply her for Medicaid.

I don't understand allowing your mom, who didn't do right by you to make your husband, who has his own medical problems miserable in his own home. I can't see how it would help your son either, if she is impossible to accommodate. Living with a person who is miserable, depressed and generally, unhealthy can take a toll on you and your family. It sounds like a big sacrifice for no real gain. I'd also consider counseling for yourself, as your pain still sounds fresh.
Helpful Answer (15)

Pzatvarn1, your mother sounds so much like mine. If we spoke the truth of how things are, people would say we're terrible. So we keep suffering through it. My mother is 90 years old now and has dementia. For years now she has set in front of the TV all day, getting up only to eat and use the bathroom. I used to encourage her to get up and get out. I would tell her to use it or lose it. That would just get her upset with me that I didn't understand what it was like to be old and hurting. The trouble was that I knew her and knew that most of it was that she was more comfortable just sitting. I finally let her be, since it was just making my life more unpleasant by encouraging her to do things.

Is your mother's mind okay other than being narcissistic? I would say if it is, then let her know what she needs to do, then if she doesn't do it, then it is her decision. It is sad that your husband has to be around her. Living with someone who is like that is torture. Believe I know! I wish there was another option for the sake of your family. Daily stress can ruin people's lives when it goes on too long. What does he think you should do about your mother? He and your son are your primary concern. You are concerned that your mother would only last 3 months in a NH because she won't walk or drink enough. How long has she been living at your home? She hasn't been doing the things she needs to do, so it doesn't seem that things are any different than it would be at a NH.
Helpful Answer (11)

Here are your priorities, in order:

1. You. Because if you go under, so does everybody else. What do *you* need to keep functioning?

2. Your husband. Because if he melts down, your son and your mother will lose his crucial input.

3. Your son. Because he's your son.

4. Your mother. Because she's your mother, and you are a compassionate person.

But at the moment, the person who should be the lowest priority is taking over everything else. You look after your mother in your home because you fear for her health and her happiness. So. Is she healthy? No. Is she happy? No. Looking after her in your home is not even working for *her*, let alone the higher priority members of the family.

You are not responsible for your mother's chronic heart disease. You are not responsible for her chronic misery, nor for her mental instability.

You are responsible for making the decisions that impact on your family's wellbeing. So if changes need to be made - hint: they do - it is up to you to make them.

A good nursing home will not neglect your mother's needs. The 'up and about every hour' prescription - you may find that they're actually better able to cope with that than your poor husband is, because they won't care if your mother argues with them. But in any case, your mother is too big a handful for two people. She needs a whole team. Place her, as fast as you can.
Helpful Answer (37)

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