
I live in Nevada and have Nevada Medicaid moving to North Carolina. Will my Medicaid be good there?

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What about the relatively new integrated Medicare-Medicaid health plans? My dad has that and since it's with a national health insurance provider (Humana)... I wonder if his situation would be different? I suppose at worst, the 80% that Medicare pays would be covered and one would be responsible for the additional cost?
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OMG NO your Medicaid stops at the state line. In many cases even private insurance stops when you leave the "service area" which can be as small as the county you live in. And if you have Medicare, it stops at the border.
My BIL had to go to the ER while vacationing in Canada and guess what? He had to pay the whole bill. Going to the Caribbean? Not covered. Mexico? Hasta la Vista Baby, not covered.
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BoniChak, the question was regarding Medicaid. You're probably thinking of Medicare, which will be good in all states.
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Boni, you might want to check with your Medicaid State office to see what is covered if you travel out-of-state.... I believe that emergency room visits would be covered but not a stay in a hospital depending on the out-of-network referrals.

Now I wonder if your Medicare would kick in first? Not sure how that works if someone is on Medicaid.
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Good question. I'm going on vacation to Indiana and was wondering the same thing, in case of any emergencies.
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No. Each state administers its own, you'll have to reapply.
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