I care for a 76yr old retired nurse, she has had 5 hip surgeries and is on Prestiq. She is very 'edgy', to put it nicely, when I have to rouse her in the mornings. Her son requests that she be showered at least every other day. There is NO railing in the bathroom. The last time I took her in for a shower, she slapped me on the head when I tried to get her from the toilet to the shower. I know she is frustrated w/herself for no longer being 100% mobile. I also know that the morning emotional issues are from the Prestiq. However, her son is more of a 'Get it done and move on' kinda person. He's bigger than I am, and can just DO IT. I cannot. I also have a back issue. The woman stumbled 2 days ago, and I DID catch her, no problem. I do have my own confidence issues w/her in the shower situation. I also HATE having to take her in to the shower. She wears 2 Depends each night, and does need to shower usually almost daily, she can't go weekly. Short of having her son do this one task, anyone have any advise on how to manage this chore?
She can be rather cantankerous throughout the day, never conversational.
At best, my telling her I am only here to HELP and to make her more comfortable has been my own best approach. Appealing to her nurse's past is NOT a good idea. I think that makes her madder.
And M would reject any encourgement also. now I am able to say to her, 'don't be so negative, you know you are making progress', but that took time and patience and consistency on my part... there are times she still doesn't trust me.... but your RN sounds as if her trust has been horribly betrayed and now she just expects the worst so she won't learn to depend on anyone in case you turn out like the others... keep doing what you are doing... just be good to her.... she is afraid.... respect her fear, she has reason to not trust paid caregivers.... and I'm sure she is hurt that her son felt this was needed, even tho it is.... I try to put myself in her place... she is of sound mind, so she sets the schedule, she says what she wants to eat, ect.... I know this is her home.... her safe place, and I am always a guest there, no matter if I am working or not... you sound like you know what you are doing, and it is good that you are fearful about the shower..... you have been given great suggestions.... and sometimes we have to figure out a way to approach the familes without offending anyone.... I don't think good in home caregivers are given the credit they deserve for having such a balanceing act we have to do between our charges and the familes that expect so much out of us... it's a hard job no matter what, plus being the 'stranger' taking care of their loved one.... and we don't get paid near enough... so hang in there... your heart is in the right place.... you are doing an awesome job under the circumstances and asking for help only validates that...... if you didn't care, you wouldn't be trying to figure this out.... lots of hugs and respect sent to you...
I am really sorry about your injury, and know it will take time before you get a settlement. You are in a very different situation compared to what you were before - looking after, presumably, normal kids. Yes, detaching and letting the nastiness roll of your back is difficult - no question of that. However, detaching will help you survive, if you want to keep this job. Again, I commend you for seeking to find answers to a very difficult situation. Good luck, and keep us updated.
And the every other day bath requirement? unless she is soiling herself in a way you can't clean her properly in bed (it's done all the time in hospitals and nursing homes) , once a week might be enough supplemented with bed baths. I was told by a dermatologist that fewer baths are better for the elderly so the skin does not dry out.
And if you have a back issue, should you be giving a woman who is unsteady a bath alone? how about the son and you doing it together? Maybe she senses, and rightfully so, your hesitance due to your back concerns? Her safety is the utmost importance so her son should cooperate to "get it done" safely.
I think your approach of talking to her and reassuring her of your good intentions is very appropriate. Try not to take her responses too personally. In that sense, you may need to detach a bit, too. Ask her what you can do to make her more comfortable. "I know you'd rather not do this at all, but since we have to do it, is there any way that would be more comfortable for you?" Surely as a nurse she is very familiar with having to do things the patients don't like. Without actually mentioning her career, maybe you can remind her of that. "I'm sorry, but sometimes helpers have to do things the person they are helping doesn't like. Let's get this over with as quickly as possible."
The notion of bringing in a physical and/or occupational therapist appeals to me. Son would have to ask her doctor to order a visit or two. The goal would be to learn how best to get RN into and out of the shower. This professional could also recommend (and perhaps order) an appropriate shower stool, grab bars, etc. Of course, just because RN has instructions of how to cooperate doesn't assure that she will cooperate. But it is worth a try!
Maybe RN has had a lot of experience with neglect or disinterest and that is where her "you don't really care about me" attitude comes from. Consistently assuring her that you do care, and that you really want to do things the best possible way both for her sake and also for your professional pride, is all I can think of to overcome the attitude.
I commend you on being such a caring, compassionate caregiver - hang in there!
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