I care for a 76yr old retired nurse, she has had 5 hip surgeries and is on Prestiq. She is very 'edgy', to put it nicely, when I have to rouse her in the mornings. Her son requests that she be showered at least every other day. There is NO railing in the bathroom. The last time I took her in for a shower, she slapped me on the head when I tried to get her from the toilet to the shower. I know she is frustrated w/herself for no longer being 100% mobile. I also know that the morning emotional issues are from the Prestiq. However, her son is more of a 'Get it done and move on' kinda person. He's bigger than I am, and can just DO IT. I cannot. I also have a back issue. The woman stumbled 2 days ago, and I DID catch her, no problem. I do have my own confidence issues w/her in the shower situation. I also HATE having to take her in to the shower. She wears 2 Depends each night, and does need to shower usually almost daily, she can't go weekly. Short of having her son do this one task, anyone have any advise on how to manage this chore?
She can be rather cantankerous throughout the day, never conversational.
At best, my telling her I am only here to HELP and to make her more comfortable has been my own best approach. Appealing to her nurse's past is NOT a good idea. I think that makes her madder.
Are you using a shower chair?