State: Colorado. My father has terminal cancer and has been in the hospital for a few weeks. He has recovered somewhat. We are trying to get him admitted to the long term care facility near the hospital. He was convinced that he must apply for Medicaid before entering the LTC. He has limited bank but owns a lot in town and a small ranch. I've read some of the comments on here and I believe he was coerced into signing the MERP, so is he committed to the Medicaid program now? I read somewhere that Medicare would pay for limited nursing home care immediately after a hospital stay. He has been improving, though he is terminal. And why wouldn't the LTC facility accept a lien on one of the properties while we get it ready and sell it?
His being terminal might mean it's not a "rehab" admit. So maybe that why the rush by facility to get a Medicaid application done for him? If you as DPOA have concerns that he was coerced, or did not know what he was doing, you can get the application shelved. You or dads new elder law atty can send a certfied letter to do this. Btw atty will enjoy doing this. I think the NH staff who got your dad - who was stressed & under medications - to sign anything was acting way way out of bounds & in thier own interest & not your dads. They know nothing of his assets or financial situation to even know if Medicaid is an option.
Really he & you need expertise on doing anything medicaid. I'd call around to find a NAELA atty & ask clearly IF they deal with ranch issues.
? does ranch have any mineral rights / royalties? If this is a big spread there could be some O&G lurking underneath. You may not be aware of as it hasn't been in payout status since ages ago so long forgotten by dad. If so, dont fret as O&G can be dealt with for medicaid. My moms TX medicaid had a section on this within both the application & renewal. I'd image CO, OK, LA do too. Also the size of the ranch should not matter. I know of friends parents who had 10 section ranch & not an issue for medicaid & excluded from estate recovery too. Working farms & ranches should be excluded from any MERP, so ask the atty how things will need to be done to set up ranch transfer after dad dies.
Good luck & stay organized as there's going to be oodles of details.