My husband has ALS (definitive diagnosis by Barrows Neurological Center) and has been on Hospice for the past month. Do we continue to pay his $751 monthly healthcare premium when he's on Hospice? He does not qualify for Medicare. Will our private healthcare pay for Hospice bills? Will our $10K deductible continue? We have BCBS of Arizona. I'm so tired and burned out already. Neither of us have any family to assist with care. I run to the grocery store when the aide comes - it's a quick 50 minutes once a week. I cared (full time) for the last 2 years of my first husband's life, my Mother, and my Father. They all had Medicare when on Hospice. Thank you for your input ...
This was 5 years ago, so I would call BCBS and also find out if he can qualify for Medicare because of his diagnosis.
I am so sorry that you are facing this loss.
The hospice agency he is with this past month for sure has an entity they are billing. Call them and ask.
personally till you know what his health insurance will definitely be, I would not cancel his BCBS. I’d try to find out from BCBS in writing if the 10k deductible is for hospitalization and physician visits and RXs but does not apply for hospice billing.
Acording to the above, a patient with a diagnosis of ALS qualifies for Medicare regardless of age.
Does the Barrows center have a social services staff? That's where I would start. Or you can call the CMS number, 1 (800) 633-4227