Uncle in his late 80's, lives along in a sr community - can no longer care for himself but will not accept help with anything - bill paying, etc; he won't go the doctor and will not even discuss moving. Short term memory is gone. In the past year he was found in a dumpster (can't remember how he got there) attacked in a parking lot (can't remember what happened) his neighbors in the sr center are furious with us as distant blood relatives for not doing something but we have no idea what to do to help get him in a supervised environment. Any help out there??
The court system can appoint a guardian.. But the legal paper work takes a while and mean time he needs help now.
Still, your flesh and blood, I suppose. I agree with both above; or you could look up the social services departments in your relative's area and see if you can find some contact details to make an appeal to them.