A friend of mine worked as a nurse for a quadriplegic woman. Her boss is the daughter of the patient. The daughter (Boss) gets money from some agency to take care of her mother. She hires nurses to take care of her mother 24/7. But she has the nurses run errands and do lawn care/snow removal as well as take care of the patient. On a weekly basis she has a nurse leave her mother completely alone to take her son (the patients grandson) to his parole officer. Also she puts family members on the payroll who don't work there. My question is how does my nurse friend report her boss? To further complicate things these are tribal members (native Americans) so I don't know if their funding is from the state or the tribe. Is there some way for us to find out and put an end to this behavior?
It sounds as if your friend doesn't work for this woman any more. Was it okay as long as she worked there? Her complaining suddenly now sounds like sour grapes.
If she still DOES work for the woman, she should quit and report the daughter to Protective Services for leaving the woman alone . . . if she can't safely BE left alone, that is. If she CAN be safely left alone, the nurses, if they don't like their job responsibilities? Can quit.