
My grandmother is almost blind and since last year when she broke her femur she and my grandfather have a 24 hour caretaker living with them. Recently, she started to think that she is not in her flat. My mother and I speculate that she remembers that 30 years ago she was living in a big house which they had to sell then.
In about a month a neurologist will come to see her but I was wondering how best to respond to her in the meantime. At the moment we just reassure her that she is in her own flat.

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Not knowing if she has Alz/dememtia, I will share what I do when S does not think he's at home... I tell him L (his son, who he loves dearly) has made arrangements for him and M to stay where they are until they can move back home... so far it has worked... he gets uspet if anyone tells him he IS home... I do not know where he thinks he should be, he is stage 6 Alz, and can not tell us....
Just use your imagination and try to come up with something that will help her anxiety about where she is... sometimes if they think, no matter how temporary, that they will be 'going' home soon, it helps.... let us know what you come up with... hugs
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Oh wow, I am not alone. my Mom used to think we were at a hotel also and was so excited I had the room right across the hall. Poor Mom cant talk now nor understand but those theraputic lies worked wonders. As the Alz Association told me. "They Customer is Always Right" just make them happy and agree with everything, it worked for us. I remember her asking for my Dad who died many years ago and I would say he is on his way home from work.l My stomach was in a knot lying but I did was the support group told me to do and the daycare did it to everyone who had dementia. My Mom responded "oh okay." and it was over, wow it made her happy, so I was happy.
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My mom has this question often. She has lived with my family in this house for 13 years. Since her dementia has progressed she often asks if anyone else in the family know where she is. This morning she asked me if we were going to get in trouble with the owners of this place for hanging around. She was reassured a bit when I told her I was one of the owners and it was okay if we were here. So far I have been able to come up with a truthful answer that satisfies her, it may take her a while to accept it but she eventually does. She may ask again soon though and we repeat the cycle.
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My dementia husband sleeps a lot during the day and dreams and talks in his sleep at night. HE STILL PLAYS CARDS AND PUtS PUZZLES TOGETHER. Does this happen to your person and what do I expect next? Marianne
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My mom always thinks we are on vacation and have taken over a lodge. She loves the fireplace in winter. She often asks when will the owner kick us out? I tell her Steve and I are the owners. She just smiles and says where will we go when the day comes. I smile and don't say a thing.
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What can we tell my mother-in-law when she refuses to take her medicine? She has dementia and Sundowner"s is a new problem. She also thinks that there are two of each person-her only son, only daughter-in-law, only brother, etc. Have you experienced this? Susan
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