
My 89 year old mother has been in a nursing home for two years, in N. Y. We are trying to sell her house, and are wondering what percentage Medicaid would get of the sale cost. The house was turned over to both me and my sister twenty years ago, but my mothers name was left on, too.

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We contacted an attorney, and they go by age, etc. Its okay to sell the house, but 10.42 percent goes to Medicaid.
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Have an attorney read the deed. If mom is a "life tenant" you may not want to sell it until she dies. NY is a very complicated state and goes after life estates.
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It's my understand that since your Mother is alive, that her Medicaid will stop while she uses up her 1/3 of the equity as self-pay to the nursing home... once that amount is gone, then Medicaid will start up again. Now I am not 100% on this, each State has their own rules.

Hopefully someone who has gone through this experience or has updated knowledge will jump in an advise.
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I second Pam's comment - you need to get in to see an elder law attorney and have them review things before you sell *anything*, if your Mom is on Medicaid. The last thing you want to do is cause her to lose her coverage because you sold something without legal advice first.
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freqflyer, I believe you are correct!
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Emma, thanks for coming back and filling us in on what happened. I wish you well with the sale, or whatever you decide to do with the house.
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Whatever you do, DO NOT SELL! You should keep the house. Live in it, rent it but don't give it to the people
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