
My father was lured into signing up for a time share with Wyndam properties. He can't afford nor will he ever use this time share. Is there anyway to get him out of this contract?

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You protect them by running credit checks, cancelling credit cards and put them on a state "Do Not Call" list. We tear up any junk mail from charities and "worthy causes" before mom sees it. Check their bank accounts online and some banks offer identity theft notification. Make sure they have caller ID and you know who called them.
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I recently heard about a new company offering a special prepaid debit card to keep seniors from getting scammed. It's called True Link Card...service recently launched so I don't know anyone who has used it yet.

I have no financial ties to the company...just interested in technologies that solve practical problems for families, and helping older people spend safely is certainly an issue that comes up a lot.
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Contacting upper management is a good idea for this situation, and or ongoing, so is ferris1 about taking away credit cards, getting POA, and managing finances for him.

If you live out of state or for other reasons can't take over for him, there are professional guardians. They offer a variety of services, like coordinating care, sorting mail, paying bills, shopping, etc. They charge by the hour, but overall would be cheaper than what could be lost to scammers and their own mismanagement. In Washington State professional guardians are trained, certified, and disciplined through the court system.

I haven't used one, but on the advice of an eldercare attorney, I'm setting up a Special Trust and a professional guardian in my will, in case something were to happen to me before my husband, who has dementia. My husband has no trust worthy family, and my kids were grown when we married, so it would not be fair to ask them to step in.
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I did this dumb thing about 8 yrs. ago in Disneyworld area. It was a beautiful condo/time share. After many years of hassle, I never paid the "loan" and after seven years it dropped off my credit report. The only "service" I know of with a person who has dementia is keep a watchful eye out by his children, take away all credit cards and you get POA and pay all his bills. YOU don't cost anything.
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Yes, a big, reputable company like that will want to do the right thing. Contact someone in management there.
It was likely an inexperienced sales person and maybe some enthusiasm on your Dad's part.
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I would recommend contacting Wyndam and explaining the situation. If they refuse to let him out of the agreement threaten to go to the local news. News stations love this kind of story.
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That is really low. I used to work there, and I am surprised that they would allow that. Call up and ask to speak to the Exec. Vice President of Sales, and tell them the story. Wyndham is a big name hotel and resort development chain. They do not normally do this. They are in Redmond, WA Hope this helps.
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