
We were finally matched with a caregiver from an agency we previously used after a year of not having anyone consistently since Covid. My preference was for someone willing to wear a mask. However, I didn't voice that we really preferred someone a little older without children because my concern is that children are more at risk of contracting Covid due to attending school or daycare.

Well, two weeks ago, we were sent a wonderful caregiver who mentioned during a conversation that she has a four year old. My heart sink a little but things were working out great the four times she came.

Our wonderful caregiver wore a mask as required until last Friday when she showered my father and then took him for a ride in the car. On Monday (yes, you guessed it), we received a call that she was out sick. Tuesday, we received another call stating that she tested positive for Covid and would be out for a week.

We really like her but are afraid to have her come back so the agency is looking for a replacement. I'm tempted to request her again but I'm not sure if it's in our best interest. I also have this nagging thought that if I were an employer, I could not refuse to have an employee return to the office because they contracted Covid. It borders on discrimination.

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Most Covid deniers I have encountered have not lived in a hot spot or are not living with the consequences of Long Covid or have not lost a Loved One because a Covid infection ravaged a good life.

I have also observed personally that it is very easy to laugh off the consequences of Covid until you or someone you love becomes infected.

In my personal experience, and also what I have been told by actual scientists and trained medical professionals, personal immunity is highest after an infection and lasts at least 6 months.

Would you feel more comfortable knowing that if she were to return, her immunity would probably be pretty secure for at least that limited amount of time?
Helpful Answer (6)
ElizabethAR37 Sep 2023
I think it's going to be pretty hard for most people not to become infected somewhere along the line now that COVID is endemic. What older adults may want to prevent is severe illness/hospitalization. Speaking only for myself, I'm a believer in the vaccine, and I wore a mask whenever I was around people (much as I detest the dang things!) on the rare occasions when I left home in '20-'21. I will probably mask up again, albeit reluctantly, if the case count rises as expected in the fall/winter. Yes, both my husband and I ended up catching COVID in '21, but we did not get seriously ill. To me, that's a win!
I think that insisting on a caregiver who lives in a bubble and has never been exposed to illness is very unrealistic, the covid 19 virus is pretty much endemic now and will be forever. That they are masking and taking reasonable precautions, even when the requirement to mask has been loosened in hospitals and care facilities, is undoubtedly more than many others are willing to do.
Helpful Answer (5)
LinnieB Sep 2023
I understand. I think I'm feeling that a much younger caregiver with a young child is more at risk of contracting it again and passing it to my soon to be 89 yr. old father. Last year, we had a Medicare funded RN who also had to call out because her 10th grader contacted Covid. The agency called and advised us to monitor for symptoms.
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Yes let her return.
I bet you have contact daily with people that have COVID and don't know it or don't care.
If you found a good caregiver that fits in well, does a good job and your dad likes her and she likes him that is hard to find.
Helpful Answer (5)

Stop worrying about discrimination. The caregiver exposed your home to a deadly disease by not wearing a mask, and you'd made it clear that masking was what you wanted.

Number one priority is health and safety in your home. Being nicey-nice isn't even on the table when someone has had such disregard.

I hope you find someone else who cares about your wishes and your health.
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I wonder how many people who think masks don’t prevent the spread of disease, especially respiratory disease, have ever been in a hospital? People are letting their politics show.

Anyway, the concern you should have about the caregiver is whether you think she is a reckless person who is going to continue to get sick. It is not a mystery why some people have gotten COVID 3-4-5–6 times and others have only had it once if it all. If you think that she takes a lot of risks then I would ask for another caregiver but there is no guarantee a new one will be any better. You don’t know what people do on their personal time.
Helpful Answer (4)
Fawnby Sep 2023
If masks don’t prevent the spread of disease, then all doctors should start operating without masks on? I recently had a surgical procedure on my face. It was a local anesthetic. When the doctor started coughing as he was slicing at me, I was very glad he was wearing a mask!
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I believe, look it up, some employers will not allow an employee to come to work until a whole week has passed and they test again, and the test comes back negative.. NO COVID…

so, perhaps your dad was already exposed to COVID,

so, if you like the caretaker, tell her employer thst you do like her, and,
” please let us know what her last test results r showing no CIVID in her system
Helpful Answer (3)
LinnieB Sep 2023
Thank you, contemplating a call to the agency but still apprehensive.

I'm sure we've been exposed or near someone who has had Covid. My 23 yr. old son (who lives with us) contracted Covid. He had not been as conscientious regarding safety precautions like us baby boomers. If he were school aged, I'm almost certain I would have to seriously consider home schooling.
Why would you not want her back? Five days quarrantine she can go out with a mask for a couple days longer. At 1 week she will have immunity for several months. This is not leprocy any longer
Helpful Answer (3)

Covid is here to stay.

If she just had a bout with it, then she's 'naturally' immunized and you should have no fear of mom catching it.

In truth, we simply we cannot continue to live with the specter of COVID hanging over our heads every single second. I just got back from running errands and saw no fewer than 4 people, alone in their cars, with masks on.


I'd stick with the CG who works well for you. ANYBODY can get covid. You bring in a new CG and the chance they will contract covid from another patient or from anywhere at all is a constant 'threat'.

And my SIL who is a Dr also says masks are basically useless. They just signal to other people that you are 'compliant' w/o any real studies to back them up.

SIL also has a PHD in immunology to back up that claim. We masked up during the pandemic, but looking back--IDK, we were all running on fear.
Helpful Answer (3)

Thanks so much for your responses. I will return to read them all.

The agency didn't give me a chance to say I would like her to come back even after I said we really, really, really like her. Their response was, " You will like the new caregiver just as much".
Helpful Answer (3)

I would just relax. There are germs everywhere and you should not punish a good caregiver for getting sick. Masks are useless so I would stop the charade. Have your dad take a probiotic and immune boosting things like vitamin D3 and vitamin C.
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