
My 91yo mother is throwing up food and cannot eat anything for the past two days. There is mucous that pours out of her mouth and nose. We have given her some antihistamine cough pills (Nyquill) to alleviate some of this. She is in clear mind and keeps thanking everyone here and on the phone for all the years of support. We have to keep her on a portable toilet for half the day and on the bed for the other half. She is very weak. She has already talked to her doctor that she will not go in a hospital. We are doing what we can to keep her company.
My mother's condition started with a fall from her chair seven days ago. She could walk around the house using a wheeled walker before this. A sore leg with nothing broken has kept her on a wheel chair and on the bed. She was able to eat regular food till 2 days ago. Her stool is hard. Now her condition has worsened.
I am the only one in the family who can give my mother care full time. The other members come and go staying just a few hours. It seems to me her time is coming to an end.

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I took my mother to the hospital today. It took 5 hours for some tests and xray to be done. Turns out her thigh bone had a fracture and the hospital is scheduling an operation tomorrow to place a rod and screws into it. Much of the tests were on her heart to see if she can survive the operation. The tech who did the echo grams said her heart is not normal and would be scrutinized by the doctor who will give the okay for the surgery. Her blood pressure varied from 120/73 to 210/107 during the time I stayed to watch her tests. Pulse rate was always over 100. As to why she throws up her food and water, they had no answers. Xrays showed no blockage in the esophagus or any signs of cancers. They had her on iv to keep her hydrated. I'll report back on her health in a few days whether the operation was done or not.
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Thanks for the update! Thinking of you at this difficult time.
Helpful Answer (4)

Thank you all for your heartfelt concerns. My mother made it through her surgery alright. The metal rod and screws were implanted on her femur fracture through two small incisions on her thigh about 5 inches apart. It appears to be healing fast. She can now eat without throwing up any mucous and fluids. It must have been the pain that caused it. Today the orthopedic specialist have started her on easy exercises of standing and walking a few steps. She may be able to come home tomorrow.
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HiBPGuy, if I were you I'd get your mom to the ER immediately. These sound like concussion symptoms. Did the doctor discuss that possibility with you? I worry that your mom might be in unnecessary pain.

It is understandable that your mom might not want any medical intervention. But at the same time, if she sustained a head injury, she might not be making the decision with full capacity for understanding the consequences of that decision. If you are certain that is not the case and that she did not hit her head when she fell, then ask her doctor to order a hospice evaluation for her, so at the very least you will have support and someone to communicate with about her condition during this time.
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HiBPGuy, are you certain she doesn't have a fracture in her leg. Please know, that even if she had an X-ray, and no fracture was seen on THAT day, hairline fractures can still be present, Painful, and can later be identified by a follow up X-ray about week later, when the healing process (calcium buildup) has begun.

Another thing is, if your Mom is taking any Narcotic pain meds, they can definitely "stop you up", and can even cause a bowel obstruction, if she is new to taking them, or if her dosage has been increased, due to the pain. This can also cause vomiting.

One other thing you mentioned, was that you have Mom sitting on the toilet, or portable toilet half the day. Sitting on the toilet for extended periods of time, can cause a "pinching of the nerves" in her buttocks, which could cause her legs to go numb, and go to sleep, and further puts her at a greater fall risk. I've even had that happen to me, after prolonged sitting on the toilet!

The foamy mucus does sound like potential heart failure symptoms, so her heart and lungs should be checked out as well!

It sounds like you have a lot on your plate, in the care of your Mom, and I'm so sorry this is happening to you both! At 90 years old, there are so many systems that are slowing down and declining. Caring for parents is a lot of work, so remember to take care of you!
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Did your mom make it to the hospital? How did things go today?
Thank you for your last post. Let us hear how your mom is feeling and how you are managing.
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Hi BPguy, I hope you and she are both doing ok. It sounds like it was a pretty difficult day. I'm sorry about her broken leg. If they go forward with the surgery, may she have a speedy recovery. If they decide against it, then the hospital should at least provide you with options to help keep her comfortable. It's exhausting being at the hospital like that, so try to eat and sleep when you can. We'll be thinking of you and your mom.
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Hello everybody. Just another update. My mother went from the hospital to the rehab/carehome clinic following the advice of the doctor who treated her. She has been in there for 5 days now. I am planning to have her released to come home in a couple of days. Seems there is a rehab policy of giving a 48 hour notice before the release. There was a required meeting with the staff to ensure my mother will be in good care at home. Rehab specialists will then visit twice a week to our home. From what I understand, Medicare will cover 20 days of the rehab care after which they will copay a certain daily sum should extended care be needed. My mother is in good spirits and is recovering well. Thanks again to all you folks here for your kind words.
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No rehab? She really shouldn't skip that. It will build her back up and make her stronger.
I'm glad she made it through her surgery and thanks for letting us know. Please encourage her to go for the rehab. It's amazing how much it can help.
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Hello everybody. Yes I will be seeking a rehab specialist to come and see her twice a week. There is a list of them that the hospital recommended. My mother is still in the hospital awaiting discharge. They want to see me stand her, walk her around, and get her in and out of the car from the wheelchair. Just some training on how to handle her. Thanks again to all you folks for your concerns. I know there will be other issues coming, I will be posting here again.
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