
I know they went through estate announcements and now they are sending letters, calling daily, and even going so far as to scope out the house. I’ve told more than a dozen that the house is not for sale, but I don’t know how to stop the harassment. Does anyone have any suggestions?

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Reply *once* to each firm telling them that the house is not for sale, and that if they importune you again you will name and shame them on social media.

It isn't harassment for them to enquire. It is harassment if they persist once you have declined their services.

Scope out the house? Do you know (for certain) who it was? - I would complain to that company, I must admit. Don't see how they can justify such an intrusion on your privacy.
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When I inherited some land several years ago, I had the same thing with a particular slimy realtor. He would call constantly. Even went so far as to tell me the neighbor, who also owned a large tract, was going to put in a development. That was a lie and I knew it. I finally gave him an outrageous price that I would sell for. After all, everything is for sale for the right price! That put a stop to it. He was probably calling the neighbor and telling them I was going to put in a development and trying to buy their land too. However, the timber people never stop calling. No matter what I tell them. They are all vultures, in my opinion. No offense to vultures.
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It doesn't even have to be announced. No one has died here yet we get multiple of calls a day, constant things in the mail and someone stopping by a couple of times a week asking if we want to sell the house.
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That's pretty classless. My BIL does this as a Realtor, but what he does is mailings to the decedent's address. He doesn't call people unsolicited.

I'd contact the broker the agents work for and tell them the house is not for sale and ask that none of their agents are to contact you about it unless they want to be put on your no-contact list if you do decide to sell someday. That might get all the agents from an office off your back at one time.
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If they continue to call tell them that you will report them. They must pay a fine.
All the letters..mark Return to Sender.
If any dare to set foot on the property charge them with Trespassing.
If they are from specific Agencies I would contact the manager or owner of the agency and let them know that the agents have been harassing you. Tell them if it continues you will be forced to get your lawyer involved. You might also want to mention because of the actions of the agents you will NOT even consider them when and if it comes tome to sell.
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Throw the letters out, hang up on the callers, and throw the trespassers off your property--tell them you're calling the police if you have to (and do it!).
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When they call just tell them the house is not for sale and to please not call again. If they are on the property, this is trespassing. I would put signs up. I don't even think they are allowed to take pictures without permission.

If once you tell them not to call and they continue to, report them to the Real Estate Commission or the Department of Real Estate in your State.
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Ah--please don't paint all realtors with the same dirty paintbrush.

Approaching you (professionally!!) ONCE about selling the home or property and then accepting your decision should be a one and done deal. They SHOULD NOT be haranguing you. That is tacky and NOT professional and you wouldn't want to work with them.

My Son in Law is a realtor and has built his business on HONESTY and that is his middle name. He will do NOTHING that will break any rules or laws and respects each and every client with complete respect. He had a neighbor of mine 'agree' to have him represent him in the sale of a home. This man used my SIL to death, having him find workers, painters, etc for 3 YEARS and when ANOTHER REALTOR'S sign appeared on the front lawn--after SIL had given this man over 100 hours of help---was a slap in the face. SIL said "It happens. I'm not mad".

The 'new' realtor told the man he could get almost $75K more out of the house than my SIL was saying it could go for. 4 months on the market and it still isn't sold, b/c it's overpriced.

SIL would still happily represent this man, if the 6 month contract expires and the house isn't sold.

A GOOD realtor will be respectful and honest. Like car mechanics, they sure do get a bad rap---sometimes it's totally deserved.

When/if you do go to sell, talk to someone who has had a GOOD experience with a realtor.

And BTW, my SIL has fired clients for trying to sneaky pete things in a sale. It's a two way street, for sure,
Helpful Answer (2)
NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2020
True, Mid...

There are good and bad in any profession no matter what it is.
Sorry for the loss of your mom. You deserve to grieve in peace.

Isn’t it sad? Why can’t people mind their own business? So ridiculous. If the house isn’t for sale, it isn’t for sale. That shouldn’t be difficult to understand for them. I hate pushy people! There is no privacy anymore. People aren’t always respectful either.

Give them an astronomical price and see what they say! LOL They deserve a crazy answer when they keep pestering you. Tell them you are putting the home on the market for $10 million! Hahaha 😂
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marthamouse Mar 2020
That’s a great idea, I’ll try $1 million. They all seem desperate enough I might get it (though the house it is worth less than half of that ).
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Thank you all for the good advice! I’ll give all these suggestions a try, and just hope eventually they get the message and give up. Or put up a sign in the front yard that says NOT FOR SALE.
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