
While my parents were alive my step-sister took 26,000.00 from their bank account and says she didn't keep any of it but 8,000 to pay for funeral and cremation and wont tell me where the rest of it is. Also, she locked me out of their home for a month and took everything. I have proof from her what she took and since they were MY bio parents and it was her mom and Step-dad I say when the house sells I get 3/4 and she says I am only going to get 1/2 less everything she took from the house. Plus the harassment from her while my mom was living with me (she called the cops on me every day). What can I do???

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Honestly, you need to see a lawyer about this. A lot depends on what your parents had in their will, PoA, etc.
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Agree with JeanneGibbs and SunFlo2. You need an attorney. We can argue back and forth about what's right morally and ethically, but the law says what's legal and we're not lawyers. Get one.
Helpful Answer (4)

These situations are always complicated. Whenever the police show up it seems that the blame card wants to get played. You were not to informative with that episode. If she has called the cops a lot and has had access to the money it SEEMS she is using the offensive mode to get what she wants. I seldom want to go to an attorney but sometimes you need to. This looks like one of those times.
Helpful Answer (3)

Much depends on who died first and what was in the Will. If Dad died first and left everything to his wife (her mother) and her mother died and left everything to her daughter (your stepsister) then you get nothing. Happens a lot with step families.
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Depending on when this 26,000 was taken and in what circumstances, your step-sister may have to account for what she's done with the money; so I hope she can if she's asked to. But she doesn't have to tell you, specifically. Unless you're alleging theft or fraud, what business is it of yours to know what she's done with money given to her freely by her parents?

As for what you respectively get from the estate: that's not up to either of you, it should be in whichever will remains to be settled. If there's no will, whoever's appointed executor will decide; and if you each of you have the sense you were born with you'll accept what you're given and go your separate ways.

Seriously, drop it. These fights are NEVER worth it.
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Well, then, since there was not legal will, you will need to have firm and accurate documentation regarding the money and then speak with an attorney to see what rights you have and get an idea as to whether you have a case, his fees to go after your half sister, and finally, your chance of winning the lawsuit. You need to decide if you are going to go after sister's estate to recoup the money.

Is mom and dad's estate settled yet? Did it get split 50/50 or other?

In my best guess, you can't do anything without an attorney. The police aren't going to touch this, since it is your word against hers and may be difficult to prove (other than hearsay) that mom didn't gift her the money -- which sis may claim.

Wishing you luck in getting a settlement on this one. Shame on parents for not preparing a Will. Shame on parents for not fighting or placing a claim for that money when they learned it was taken from their accounts -- especially since you say this occurred while they were both still alive.
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You need a lawyer.
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If you have proof I'd retain a lawyer and call the police and get a police report filed. You'll need one. But if stepsister doesn't have the money anymore what are you hoping to get back? I only ask because once the lawyers get involved it's going to cost you.
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Laws are different from state to state and they are there to handle problems like these. You are not the first to go through this nor the last. There has to be an accounting of everything...... there will be a paper trail. You need to get an elder law attorney. If this ends up a legal battle and your stepsister is found wrong, your legal fees may have to be paid by your stepsister. Though this process is not fun you have rights and if you want to protect them there is nothing wrong with that.
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Countrymouse ... the money WAS NOT given to her .... my mother even told the bank branch manager that she was not given permission to withdraw that money. And it is my business since the woman was my mother as well. pearyb ... the day my mother got out of the hospital she called me to come pick her up which I gladly did and my sister called the cops saying I kidnapped her. The next day she called them and said that I was holding her hostage, the 3rd day she called them and said my mother was not safe around me, the 4th day she called them and said I was abusing my mother, and on the 5th day my sister sent adult protective services to my house and said that i was trying to kill my mother. And everyone that came to the house got the same response from my mother ..... There are no bruises anywhere on me and I feel perfectly safe right here. This is where I feel at home. she was with me for 3 weeks and doing fine. she was able to go sit outside in her wheelchair, talk on the phone, watch tv, carry on conversations, etc. she went to stay with my sister and in less than a week she was dead. 2 days after she went out there she was incoherent and was confused. my sister even called my mothers doctor trying to get my mother more morphine (which me and my mother had gotten filled about 3 - 4 days prior to my sister making the call) .... And I need to correct the fact she is my half sister not my step sister. and I have the proof from the bank where my sister took out the money and even signed for it.
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