
I'm 75 and trying to build strength. I can walk a short distance but sweat even when it's cool out. I had a stroke 6 years ago and seem 95% restored. Female.

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Not sure. You should check with your doctor to rule out anything serious. Have you always perspired or does this seem like something new? Consider taking a cold water with you and sipping often while you walk and see if that helps alleviate. Also, dampen a hand towel and keep in freezer over night. Drape around your neck while you exercise and see if it helps. Make sure you are hydrated and have a small snack like yogurt, peanut butter cracker or protein bar before you head out.

Let us know if these suggestions help.
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Sweating is good, takes some load off the kidneys, cools you and lubricates the skin. Enjoy it for what it is, and then take a nice rinsing shower without soap to preserve the natural oils.
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Maybe it's a good sign, that you are working hard and building up your strength. Do you get out of breath too? I always sweat, but usually after I stop exercising.

You should at least call your doctor's office to make sure it's not a sign of anything. Also be sure you are getting some natural potassium from a banana or something.
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Please do ask your doctor. Heavy sweating may be fine, but it could be that there's a negative reason for the sweating. It's definitely something that should be looked at. Then, if you get the all clear sign, keep walking.

I will add that some medications cause excessive sweating, so that's another thing to discuss with your doctor.

I hope all is well,
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My mother sweats a lot whenever she goes for a walk. For her it is because she has pain and the walking takes a lot of effort. If you are weak walking again takes a lot of effort and you will work up a sweat. You may also be feeling stress, which can add to the sweating. Sweating is annoying. My mother has to take a shower after her walk because she sweats so much. You are much younger than she is, though, so there is a good chance you'll stop perspiring so much as you get stronger on your feet.
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