I'm trying to reconcile myself to the fact that despite months of effort, voluminous evidential material, obvious serious damage done to my Mom, the State with which I filed an abuse report found in favor of the rehab facility, and took no action against them... Has anyone ever prevailed in getting even a slap on the hand for one of these places?
Even patients who WANT the bars on the upper half of the bed, so they can reposition, meet with stiff resistance.
I'm not a medical person or had enough experience with the specific issues you mention to pass judgment, but it does sound from your description that proper care was not given.
And I think that perhaps the State reviewer either didn't take the time to thoroughly review the complaint you filed, wasn't objective enough, or just had other reasons for the conclusion reached. With politics, we can really never be certain what factors were involved.
I don't know if there would have been another route you could have taken except to move your mother sooner, and that's definitely not a criticism of your attempts to work out the problems at the first place. I suspect many of us have been through situations in which we had to make decisions on whether to work with the staff and literally hope that changes were made, or to find another facility.
It's unfortunate that we can't always rely on the staff to provide the care that's needed. We entrust our relative to them, and should be able to rely on their representations that proper care will be administered. Unfortunately that's not always true.
Institutions that recommend these bad places are also to blame. One that was recommended years after I learned it was considered one of the worst places to go was surprisingly still on the hospital's list. When I challenged the discharge planner, advising that the reputation was that people who went there came out in body bags, she acknowledged she was aware of that reputation. Yet she still suggested it!
I do think your rating for the Medicare website was wise; perhaps others will take a second look before they go to this place again. Unfortunately, I'm not sure what else you can do at this point. I suspect any direct comments on this first place's negligence might prompt them to initiate slander or libel actions against you - they probably have the financial power to do this and might just to protect their financial position.
Do you know of anyone else who had problems while a relative was there?
I think they were concerned; they literally circled the wagons - there were so many admins in the meeting that they easily outnumbered us. But changes were made, perhaps b/c we were so well prepared and perhaps b/c my sister was a long time nurse so she could with authority address the medical deficiencies. I was the legal counterpart, and of course we documented every issue that was raised in the meeting.
We never used that rehab facility again.