Just started to notice descriptions of senior residences that include both terms. I'm putting this question under Assisted Living as I don't see "Assistive" on the topics here. I put this into Google: What is difference between assisted living and assistive living, but nothing relevant came up. I guess this means "Assistive Living" is a new term in senior housing? Thanks.
There you go, directly from the internet. Apparently "assisTIVE " means use of helping devices. Who knew. Good question, because I sure didn't.
We are not yet in the full robotic mode of the imagined future... Where (hopefully) my thickened water may be virtually altered to appear as a cocktail🍹
A quick example: if a person cannot properly take the prescribed medications, they can pay to have a person help them take them properly. Or they may pay to purchase a medication dispenser that helps them take them properly. Either way, they have to have help taking them. One is passive and one is active; both assist the person with their medications.
...so on and so forth for all ADLs and EADLs.
I'd personally never pay to have that which I can set up at home as assistIVE living for assistED living prices.
Or I guess 'ive' is ongoing where as 'ed' is in the past. Maybe the grammer police had a win?