
He cannot communicate his needs well.

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You talk to the people at the facility and you ask them to send care notes. Or you go to be present at the appointment and talk for him.

If you have dad’s MPOA and/or POA, open a patient portal at the practice. You then communicate with his medical team, sending them a message with what doctors need to know about a week before his appointment. Through the portal you’ll have access to doctors’ after-visit notes so you know what’s going on.

If you’re unable to open a patient portal, send his doctor a letter telling them what you think they need to know. Make sure it gets to the doctor’s office a week before the appointment.
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Did you speak to them? What did they tell you? Is this the norm for them? Who is the medical POA? Did that person attend? What was the outcome of the visit? Was this just the regular yearly exam?
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I would start by discussing this with the admins. If you don't get a satisfactory response I would talk to an ombudsman.

If you are not his MR (Medical Representative from the HIPAA form) or his MPoA, then not sure if you have any ability to provide input or advocate for him -- it will depend on the facility's admins.

Is anyone his MPoA or MR? Does he have a legal guardian at all?
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At 92 why are you worried about a Medicare check up? Its not mandatory. Doesn't the NH have a Doctor associated with them. All a Medicare checkup is checking the heart and lungs, pressing in certain places to see if any pain and giving you an order for labs. The facility Doctor can do that. A Nurse Practioner does mine. Are you sure the facility does not send something over? When my Mom went to the hospital a folder went with her. Maybe the doctor has the ability to get into Dads records at the home. Doctors can always request records if the patient or MPOA sign a HIPPA form.
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