
I've done some searching, but all I can find are ideas for a private suite. Mom is in a shared ward room and her personal space consists of her bed, a side table and an ugly wardrobe. Mom can't see so my desire is to make the space more visitor friendly (I can't imagine my family's reaction to the place) and also an attempt to help staff see the difference between the rooms occupants (for example I'm finding I have to go through her clothes daily to remove items that belong to her roommates).

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As someone else mentioned- a throw blanket for her bed - maybe she had a favorite at home that would both brighten the room and be a familiar tactile thing for your mom to touch?
I know you said your mom is blind - but perhaps a small bedside lamp? A large throw pillow for the visitor chair? Is there space on a wall to hang a couple family photos - not so much for mom but for the staff? I think it's always good to have a reminder for staff that this person wasn't always like the helpless person laying in the bed - that they had a full life and people who love them.
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Whatever you place in your mom's room make sure it's something that wouldn't break your heart if it were broken or misplaced.

How about a colorful vinyl placemat for your mom's bedside table? If it doesn't fit you can cut it to size. And a table runner might brighten up the ugly wardrobe.

You can hang a tassel from the bathroom doorknob or the handles to your mom's closet.

A sun-catcher attached to a suction cup in the window?

Place a light, colorful throw on your mom's bed. Maybe your mom has a favorite throw from home?

Try to place items that are up and out of housekeeping's way.
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We bought an upholstered folding chair for visitors. Folds up and is stored by mom's small dresser.
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When my mom was in a nursing home, I bought some of those wall decor stickies-- you know the cling things in all kinds of decorative themes that you can decorate your walls with. I found a bunch that were bright butterflies and flowers and stuck them all over my mom's room. They really helped cheer up an otherwise glum room.
Helpful Answer (6)

We did what Rainmom suggested and just brought in a couple photos. My grandpa was really proud of his woodworking, so we brought a photo of one of his projects in. I don't know if the staff paid attention but we thought it was something they could ask him about if they noticed it. Also I like those 3M hooks because you can remove them easily and they are pretty strong.

We had a little plant in there and that cheered the place up but then you need to care for it. (Fake plant with coffee beans in the pot to help X out some of the nursing home smell?)

One lady at the NH had a decorated wheelchair.

The only other thing I can think of is to pick a "signature color" for your mom. My daughter only wore pink in preschool. (Her choice.) When the teachers came across something that shade, they'd always ask us first if it was hers. If her "decor" and a few of her outfits are that color, maybe they'll start associating it with her and not be as inclined to misplace her things?

My grandpa's room was always depressing. He had always liked colors and light and knick knacks, but we just never got it together. It seemed futile because unless something was out of his reach/line of sight, it got soiled. Plus it seemed inconvenient for the staff and they just pushed stuff to the corner and piled supplies on it. But I wish we had done something cuter anyway.
Helpful Answer (3)

Thanks to you all, you've got me thinking!

I like the air freshener hidden in a fake plant idea, two birds with one stone. I saw a cute little fake fern at the dollar store the other day but I wasn't sure about the glass pot, maybe I can put something together with a nice unbreakable pot.
The place mat on her bedside table is a great idea too, I went right to Dollarama and picked out a cheery plastic one on my way to visit after lunch, looks good!
The folding chair for visitors is something I never would have thought of Barb, I should be able to store something in the wardrobe.
Rainmom, I like the idea of a colourful throw pillow or two, today I noticed they used mom's teddy as a pillow between her knees, the real thing would make more sense.
I do have a one nice pic of mom and dad, organizing the photos is one of those tasks I keep putting off though. Mom's favorite colour is yellow, hm, I wonder if I can do some kind of poster for over her headboard with wall decals and stickers on yellow bristol board...
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What we've been doing is printing off pictures of the new great grandchildren, recent graduation and wedding pictures of grandchildren and taping them to the area around mom's bed. There are pictures of her mom and dad, and one of my dad on her dresser.

When mom first moved in, my sister in law and I composed a brief biography of mom, printed it off in large type and taped it up next to the head of her bed. Several staff members told us it was quite useful to know who my mom was before her stroke.
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Visitor chair? When I visit I sit on the bed or mom's wheelchair. The only wall space is above the bed and in front of the wardrobe, which coincidentally is where the lift is stored (oops, watch your head). No electrical outlets for a lamp, and she's by the door not the window. Did I mention this place is a hole? But we do hope to move her when space becomes available, if we live that long.
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Rainmom was talking about both a blanket and some family photos, which I would agree with. I think having the pictures around remind the staff that they are human and have people who love them, but they also can give the staff and place to start a conversaion. How about giving her something that's both? At you could make her a blanket that you can put any photos you like on it. They are kind of pricey but if you keep your eye out for deals you can often find discounts. Last week they were on the view's deal of the day thing so I grabbed that so a blanket would cost $30 instead of $100. Best of all it's set up so you can make the blanket anytime within a year so you have time to get ahold of the pictures.
As far as they cloths go, I believe there are labels you can get such as that you could put her name on and just sew onto the clothes with the rest of the labels, or even on the front of her clothes like a nametag I would guess. Both of these things could be taken with you to another place if you end up moving her.
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My dad suffers from advanced dementia. He enjoys looking at older family photographs; typically from the 40s. Maybe make a copy of a picture or two and get an inexpensive frame. It might not seem like much, but he always likes telling a story about each.
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