I've used homeopathy, light therapy, acoustic therapy, reflexology, acupressure and massage. I would like to use vitamins but can't get her to take them. I'm buying a device I'll report on here, after we use it, for passive exercise and circulation. I'm raising the money for a "Friendly Bed" as it looks to have great potential for comfort as well as muscle-building. She's had Edgar Cayce Castor Oil Packs (abdominal packs), slippery elm tea, and herbal tinctures. Good results for all of those.
I hope people will tell here about alternative treatment they liked or had success from.
For example, yes there are professional reflexologists, but you can also get a book on it, work on your friends and loved ones' feet, without being a professional. I massaged the point for sciatica on my father's foot, and he experienced an instant and permanent cure. I was surprised, but he was flabbergasted, as he was an engineer and pilot, and frankly told me he did not believe in reflexology. After that, he researched a lot of alternative therapies and was fascinated in how and why they work.