
A number of years ago, my mom put all of her utilities on auto payments. When payments are due, money is automatically taken from her bank account. She had DPOA papers drawn up for me back in 2008 but never told me about them, hid the papers and I just found them by accident a few months ago. I moved in with my mom a little over a year ago to look after her but it wasn't until just recently that I learned she had authorized me to write checks on her account and access her bank box.

We had her started on Medicaid Waiver for home care so I could get a break and get out of the house but then she was admitted to the hospital and then dismissed to the nursing home. The nursing home social worker informed me that she didn't qualify for rehab so she was admitted to the nursing home as a permanent resident on Medicaid from day 1. At the same time she was admitted to the nursing home, Hospice was started.

I tried to get her Hospice to help me bring her back home, but they refused to do so because the nursing home didn't want to release her. I put in another request and they want to have another care meeting for her next week. My mom doesn't want a hospital bed brought into the house and it will just add more stress having Hospice come to the house several times a week, so I'm considering trying to take her home without Hospice then maybe starting Hospice at a later time if she gets worse. I just have no idea how I will get her an oxygen concentrator if Hospice is discontinued.

At this time, I have not heard anything from her Medicaid, they haven't even asked for any bank statements. I would estimate she has been in the nursing home less than 30 days.

I've had so much on my mind, I never thought about her auto payments but money has already been taken from her bank account automatically this month. I gave up my apartment when I moved in with my mom and I was replaced on my last job over 6 months ago. If I fail to get my mom home and I'm unable to find a job in this little town which is unlikely, I'll have to figure out how to turn off my mom's utilities then I have no idea where I will go.

If I have to get a lawyer, he will likely clean out my mom's bank account and I'll be lucky if there is enough money. Just so you know, I've already talked to 3 lawyers and now I have to look for lawyer #4 and hope he knows what he's talking about. There is no other family to help unless Cousins count. Of course if my mom gets a Medicaid penalty, she won't be able to pay the nursing home so I guess then they would have to let me take her home?

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Send the bank a stop payment order.
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Who is handling the Medicaid application? If the NH you need to be on top of them. This is how it worked for me.

Mom was running out of money living at the AL. April I started the application for Medicaid. Using the last 20k of Mom's money I placed her in LTC May 1st using the last 20k to pay for May and June. June I checked with her caseworker to make sure they had all the info they requested and showed them I had spent down her money. He confirmed he had everything needed and Medicaid started July 1st.

Medicaid requires 5 yrs of bank statements. (Some states less)
Mom must spend down her assets to the cap allowed, in my State 2k.
Mom's monthly income (SS and any pension) must be under the cap set, my state its a little more than $2300.
Mom's SS and any pension will be used to offset her care.

In my State you have 90days from date of application to get Mom placed, spent down and info need to Medicaid. I personally would not trust this in the hands of a NH. They can help but don't leave it all up to them.

Not sure what you will be able to do about the house. This is a question for the Medicaid caseworker.
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I had luck with going on Mom’s online checking account, and disputing the charges.

It was in the box that detailed the specific charge.

I am listed on my mother’s account.
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